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Offline ChrisSmolinski

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« on: November 21, 2022, 1603 UTC »
There has been a significant uptick in the number of inflammatory posts on the HFU. My apologies for not addressing this earlier, due to other commitments like running a business to pay the bills. I haven't even been able to do much radio listening recently. But, I digress...

Let's recap some general HFU rules:

First, and most important - be nice to others. No rude, crude or inflammatory comments. Period. No personal attacks.  I've just had to split several topics on the loggings board and move them to the Group W Bench. I need to go back and probably do the same for several others.

Repeat offenders can and will end up in time out. You know, the place you send your 3 year old when they're, well, acting like a 3 year old.  Serial repeat offenders will get their account banned. As well as any new accounts they create to try and get around the ban.  You have been warned.

Second, we have a lot of boards here on the HFU, please use the appropriate one for your post. The loggings boards are for loggings - that's it. Not for random discussions. We have lots of other boards for that.  Don't clutter up the loggings threads with off topic comments. 

Also regarding the loggings boards - we have an official HFU format for the titles of logging threads. Please use it. We even have a sticky post at the top of the board here: https://www.hfunderground.com/board/index.php/topic,8448.0.html

PLEASE READ IT. And please follow it. EXACTLY.

Please also take note of the ability to modify your posts. If you post in a logging thread, and want to add additional comments, don't post a reply, instead modify your existing post and add the extra info.

Please be sure to post in the correct board: North American pirates, European Pirates, MW Pirates (NAm and Euro), MW Loggings for non pirates, etc.  Of course sometimes you don't know where a station is from, and need to make a guess, and sometimes guess wrong. THAT's OK! We have lots of moderators here at the HFU who will move your post accordingly. It's no big deal, and we would rather have you post a logging in the wrong board than not post it at all.  But we also want to minimize the amount of time moderators have to spend, well, moderating. They have other things to do, like listen to the radio.  ;D So do the best you can.

We do have some boards for non radio related topics, but please use good judgement. No political posts. Period.

Let's have fun. And make sure it's fun for others as well. Thanks, and 73.
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
netSDR / AFE822x / AirSpy HF+ / KiwiSDR / 900 ft Horz skyloop / 500 ft NE beverage / 250 ft V Beam / 58 ft T2FD / 120 ft T2FD / 400 ft south beverage / 43m, 20m, 10m  dipoles / Crossed Parallel Loop / Discone in a tree


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