BallSmacker Radio 6960.0 kHz AM 01:56 UTC 12 NOV 202201:56 UTC - Carrier is up; hovering around an S7 with some fading;
01:58 UTC - Interval signal; signal is low on 6960.0 kHz but sounding much better on 4030.0 kHz;
02:00 UTC - Broadcast begins;
02:05 UTC - Starting to loose the 4030.0 kHz frequency as well. Weak barely readable now and 6960.0 kHz is buried in the noise floor, unreadable;
02:10 UTC - The 4030.0 kHz frequency seems to now have come back and is readable;
02:14 UTC - It looks like the 4030.0 kHz frequency is plagued with deep fades. Unreadable again;
03:42 UTC - SSTV;
03:45 UTC - End of broadcast. Can also hear someone else on the 4030.0 kHz frequency after the sign-off.
Note: As mentioned in the broadcast announcement, there is the potential of a simulcast this week on 4030.0 kHz USB eSSB.
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BallSmacker Radio
RSPduo | Barker & Williamson T2FD antenna