6.925 MHz
No ID at beginning but I was listening in AM Mode at first.
Sign on around 20:17 USB mode S9 into central KY
Unid music then switched off at 20:20 then off and on again.
Back off at 20:21
He's back on Central KY at 20:23,
He's probably unkeying making sure he's not being jammed. Same music, I've never heard it before.
ID Infected Mushroom Head Radio International at 20:26 UTC.
20:50 Sign on FM signal 6.925
S5 Central KY - Electronica.
Played 2 electronica songs then
OFF at 20:59
Last transmission I heard from IMHR was around 20:43
IMHR Zeke again with same electronica USB Mode 6.925 MHz at 22:01 UTC
He's keying and unkeying again and I hear another weaker signal playing music everytime he does keying on and off with him almost like they are playing a game. (part of the show mayb?) IMHR keeps repeating "we will open your f and take out your transmitter".(Synth voice)
22:03 UTC The song from the other station is Hell's Bells.
Earlier Zeke's station was repeating "Do not interfere" over and over. I have the other station at about an S4.
22:06 Other station now talking in a high pitched voice, unreadable.
22:07 Zeke starting a new piece of guitar music. S9 plus in the Red in central KY.
22:17 Both stations continue to alternate transmitting, Zeke MUCH stronger.
22:36 Female synth voice repeating several times "Zeke is a coward" S8 with another voice possibly Spanish.
22:46 FM MODE Strong clear S6 into Ky UNID electronica
« Last Edit: November 20, 2022, 2247 UTC by Starbuckin »