Broadcast in progress when I tuned in...
0405z Several rock guitar instrumental Christmas songs. Reminiscent of Eric Johnson's style. Very good signal via eastern SDR, barely audible at home.
0411z "Christmas Time is Here," from Vince Guaraldi's soundtrack for classic Peanut's Christmas cartoon, in style of Jeff Beck. Gonna guess these are a compilation of instrumentals from Beck, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai and others. Or one guitarist who's got an incredible knack for impressions of many guitar styles.
0414z op "And now for something completely different. "Blue Christmas" instrumental, sorta honky tonk guitar. Cut off mid-song, some whispering, can't make it out.
0417z sounds like Ry Cooder, don't recognize the song
0420z more whispering (sounded like bits from Zappa's "central scrutinizer" routine from Joe's Garage), "Now back to Christmas music," Blue Christmas again. This bit is just audible on my home receiver. Mostly using eastern SDR.
0431z sstv after Drummer Boy, Joy to the World guitar instrumentals.
0436z "From the studios of Thunder Chicken to yours, happy Thanksgiving."
Recording of final 23 minutes: