Rock music at 0937z. SINPO 34333 trending SINPO 34322 via Airspy HF+D and 31' vertical. Not great SNR here due to elevated band noise and static crashing, but generally copyable when the band cooperates.
0950z - Modulation present, but the signal is starting to move more often than not into the noise floor.
0956z - Faint modulation here, but a better SINPO 34333 copy via the EM84an SDR in North Georgia.
1000z - Still faint modulation here, so continuing listening via the EM84an SDR. Some ute activity noted.
1010z - SNR improving locally, so back to my SDR with a variable SINPO 34333 at the moment.
1010z - ID perhaps? An ute wiped out the DJ segment here.
1110z - Still rocking the music here, and still around SINPO 34333.
1030z - Band noise is improving. SINPO 44433.
1035z - Couple of people talking briefly?
1038z - A cover of "Two Princes" by ?
1040z - Intermittent nearly S9 ute activity. Otherwise SINPO 44444.
1045z - "Thank you...." song skit. Off air.
Thanks for the broadcast! :)