Before 0124, there were a few test tones on the frequency and perhaps a carrier, on and off a few times.
I left the receiver on and left the room for a second and started to hear music,so I caught the sign on.
Muddy modulation. Might be FM, intentionally or not.
SIO 343 on Sigma's SDR in Massachusetts.
0125 - Sounds like 'Funk Town"
0129 - Hall and Oates, "I Can't Go for That"
0138 - Laura Branigan,"Self Control"
Definitely hitting the 1980s pop hits. Modulation is clearly AM and not as muddy and distorted as before but a tad bit weak.
I switched SDRs due to a local buzzy at Sigma's site.
0140 - Nine Inch Nails, "Head Like A Hole"
0145 - Dead air after a couple announcements of "Radio has changed our lives..."
0146 - I just noticed test tones out at +/- 4.5 KHz (and H2 of +/- 9 KHz). The tones were swept down to DC then...
0147 - Carrier off.