I just found this thread, and I think this is a great idea! This is my list:
K3FEF in Milford, Pennsylvania:
http://kiwisdr.k3fef.com:8073/Used for listening to most North American pirates. Very strong reception of many stations.
Raleigh, North Carolina:
http://raleigh.twrmon.net:8073/I check this Kiwi if reception of a North American pirate is particularly weak using the K3FEF Kiwi, sometimes reception is better on this one.
Northern Utah:
http://kiwisdr1.sdrutah.org:8073/Sometimes reception of pirates from eastern North America is good here after the band goes long.
KFS Omni in Half Moon Bay, California: for listening to the few pirates from west of the Rockies.
PY2GN in Pardinho, São Paulo, Brazil:
http://pardinho.kiwisdr.com.br:8073/Good for listening to Brazilian pirates and Peskies. Infested with bots unfortunately.
PY2-81502 in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil: when the PY2GN Kiwi is full.
Northwest Ireland:
http://irelandnorthwest.proxy.kiwisdr.com:8073/Good for shortwave Europirates and Dutch mediumwave pirates.
GB3WB in Weston-super-Mare, United Kingdom:
http://websdr.uk/Also good for shortwave Europirates and Dutch mediumwave pirates.
Tambov, Russia:
http://sdr.tambov.gq:8901/Good for Russian mediumwave pirates.
Tambov, Russia:
http://troyka.tambov.gq:8902/Good for Russian pirates on 3 MHz.
OE6ADD in Graz, Austria:
http://graz.sytes.net:8073/Good for all European mediumwave pirates except Russians.
Jakarta, Indonesia:
http://swloi33.proxy.kiwisdr.com:8073/Good for some Indonesian pirates, but high noise on some bands.
YG1AIG in Bandung, Indonesia:
http://ptlen.proxy.kiwisdr.com:8073/Good for Indonesian pirates, less noise.
LU1HCW in Alpa Corral, Argentina: for some Latin American pirates.