« on: December 22, 2022, 1229 UTC »
1220 S9+55 full power station by OP Stanislav "Fuck you Russia... and other loop
https://voca.ro/19wcG2nrlPYo , also goes to the channels listed below
- on 7055 (S9+35 Wańka Wstańka) and 7060 (S9+30 Hidepark) other Ukrainian amateurs support
the anti-Russian action
« Last Edit: December 22, 2022, 1304 UTC by kris »

RX888 ( SDR-FE-PLAY, HRD-747, Sony XDR-F1HD),
Ant. Sky Loop 180m 15m AGL, Sky Loop 120m 35m AGL
+ QRM X-phase eliminator
QTH: N Poland Ru/Sp/Gr/Sb=Russian,Spanish,Greek,Serbien
eQSL appreciated to: 13krzycho@gmail.com