S7 with the GB3WB KiwiSDR in the UK. Audio is very poor, even by SSB standards. QRM from a carrier on 6949 kHz.
1716 UTC-Music
1718 UTC-Baltic Sea Radio ID
1718 UTC-Unknown Music (sounds off frequency)
1721 UTC-Baltic Sea Radio ID over music
1729 UTC-Baltic Sea Radio ID
1730 UTC-Still more music, horrible sound quality
1737 UTC-Sukiyaki by Kyu Sakamoto
1739 UTC-Talk, can’t understand (not English?)
1740 UTC-The Chicken Dance
1742 UTC-Seagull sounds and something said
1742 UTC-Unknown Music
1747 UTC-Email address
1757 UTC-Covered by OHR
1801 UTC-OFF
Sounded best on 6950.1 at tune in, seems to be on 6950.0ish at 1739 UTC, I think the TX is drifting?