Actually 14.300 serves no legitimate purpose.
Just a bunch of cb'rs that are too scared to call cq and actually make a qso.
So they hang out on one frequency, thank the net control station for being there, because it gave them one person they could work without having to physically exert themselves and then they can blabber about how great their radio equipment is, how loud the net control station is, how glad they are that someone is monitoring the frequency all the time.
The maritime people doesn't even consider 14.300 MHz to be of any service to them, unless all other forms of communications has failed.
And I doubt that any rich person that owns a boat but does not hold an amateur radio license is going to waste precious resources on a quality HF amateur radio when that money could be spent on a new cell phone or a sat phone that gives them global communications both night and day.
We are just kidding ourselves if we think that some person sitting in his hamshack in OHIO is going to rescue someone in the INDIAN OCEAN.