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Author Topic: FCC Says Its Pirate Enforcement Is Picking Up, Including New Hires And Equipment  (Read 1623 times)

Offline skeezix

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Jan 26, 2023

The Federal Communications Commission says its battle against pirate radio returned to more normalcy as the agency’s pandemic response became less restrictive and it had more flexibility to return to undertaking more investigations. The result is the Enforcement Bureau took 38 actions against alleged operators of unlicensed stations, including issuing 21 notices during 2022 to property owners where those stations were broadcasting from.

“Because pirate radio stations often cease operating for a period of time but then return, the Bureau will continue to monitor the properties for which notices were provided and will initiate enforcement action where appropriate,” the FCC says in an annual report about its progress in combatting pirates. The annual report is now required under the Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement Act or PIRATE Act, which was signed into law by President Trump in January 2020.

If the number of enforcement actions seems small, the FCC explains that ever since the new law took effect field agents have been hampered by not only the pandemic but also a “lack of funding” to implement many of the requirements in the law. It is a similar complaint the FCC shared with lawmakers when it issued its previous report a year ago.

The PIRATE Act raised the potential maximum fine for those found guilty of operating or supporting an unlicensed station to $100,000 for a single act of violation, up to a $2 million maximum. It also gave the FCC additional enforcement authority over property owners and managers that permit pirate radio stations to operate from their property.

Under the new law, the FCC was required to build a database of pirate radio stations. This week the Enforcement Bureau released its first version of the database, covering all of the agency’s interactions with alleged pirates last year. It shows nearly half of the pirate enforcement actions were in New York, where there were 18 investigations last year. Pennsylvania accounted for 16% of the investigations, while Maryland is where another 11% of cases were focused.

Pirate Sweeps Begin

The PIRATE Act also required the Commission to conduct annual enforcement “sweeps” in five cities where pirate radio is the biggest problem at least once a year. And then, within six months, field agents are mandated to return to those markets to conduct “monitoring sweeps” to determine whether the unlicensed operators simply powered back up or changed frequencies.

Those sweeps were slow to begin – not because of the pandemic, but because Congress failed to provide additional funding to the FCC to conduct them and the agency opted not to shift existing resources to pay for the staff needed to meet the requirement. But that should change this year since the Biden administration included funding for the pirate enforcement as part of the FCC’s current $390 million budget for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30. Under the Biden proposal, the Enforcement Bureau would receive an increase of $5 million to implement the new law and to hire the 15 new employees. To date, the FCC has posted six full-time positions – five field agents and one field counsel – and it says it has additional hires planned toward the end of the fiscal year.

Even without the additional staff, the FCC report says its staff reviewed pirate radio complaints in order to identify the current top five markets with the most pirate radio operations. “The Commission developed a plan for pirate sweeps, which was initiated in the fourth quarter of 2022,” it says, offering no further details.

The annual report to Congress also says that more money is being spent on FCC equipment to hunt down pirate stations. That includes developing new mobile direction-finding vehicles to help field agents trace a pirate station back to its home base. The FCC says it also is prepared to purchase six vehicles to support the additional staff that will be hired. That process has been delayed, however, until a government purchase window opens. In the meantime, the FCC says it will continue to use older, existing vehicles in its fleet that were scheduled to be taken out of service. It has also begun to purchase and develop investigative tools that will be integrated into the new direction-finding vehicles after they are purchased.
Minneapolis, MN

Offline Ct Yankee

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Definition of what a Pirate is considered under the PIRATE Act:

CASTING .—In this section, the term ‘pirate radio broad-
casting’ means the transmission of communications on
spectrum frequencies between 535 and 1705 kilohertz, in-
clusive, or 87.7 and 108 megahertz, inclusive, without a
license issued by the Commission, but does not include un-
licensed operations in compliance with part 15 of title 47,
Code of Federal Regulations.’’.

The acronym PIRATE stands for "Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement", which begs the question what is legal Radio Abuse?
Perhaps they should have tried "Preventing Illegal Radio Activity Through Enforcement".  Maybe I should market a business of snappy names for snarky laws.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2023, 2037 UTC by Ct Yankee »
Tecsun H501x (broadcast received on this unless noted), Zenith T/O G500, Zenith T/O Royal 7000, Emerson AR-176, Zenith 8S154, T/O 7G605 (Bomber), Tecsun PL-600, Tecsun PL-880, Zenith 5S320, Realistic DX 160 using 40 feet of copper wire.  With apologies to Senator Gramm for his thoughts on firearms, "I have more radios than I need but not as many as I want."
QTH:  Durham, Connecticut (rural setting, 15 miles north of Long Island Sound)
qsl please to:  jamcanner@comcast.net  (Thank you)

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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The acronym PIRATE stands for "Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement", which begs the question what is legal Radio Abuse?

Commercial top 40 radio
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
eQSLs appreciated! csmolinski@blackcatsystems.com
netSDR / AFE822x / AirSpy HF+ / KiwiSDR / 900 ft Horz skyloop / 500 ft NE beverage / 250 ft V Beam / 58 ft T2FD / 120 ft T2FD / 400 ft south beverage / 43m, 20m, 10m  dipoles / Crossed Parallel Loop / Discone in a tree

Online Molvania Poacher

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This may have already been posted elsewhere, but here is a new database the FCC has made available, as part of these renewed efforts:

All reception direct-- From my location, radio and antenna.
QTH New Hampshire (70 miles north of Boston).
Tecsun S-8800 and Kenwood R-2000, with about 135 feet of wire thrown up in the trees.
eQSLs most appreciated to molvaniapoacher@gmail.com.

Offline John Poet

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The FCC has relegated enforcement of us 'old guys' to the bottom of the barrell....

Nice of them, but commercial AM-FM broadcasters don't give a shit about what is going on, on shortwave frequencies---
since very few Americans listen to shortwave radio anymore....

Hell, AM and FM broadcasting stations are losing out to streaming and the internet now,
is that not true??

"Broadcast radio" on the commercial bands is doomed to die a slow death--
the youngsters are tuned in to something else

Soooooooo--- they might as well give over some of these bands to 'amateur broadcasters'--
but the NAB and other capitalist pigs will never permit that to happen.....

"Pirate Radio" remains one of the issues that is neither "far-left" nor "far-right"
The Establishment of both political wings remains committed to total state control,
of what remains of commercial radio

John Poet

"A treasonous voice of dissent"
"I love the smell of a hot Johnson in the morning..."

The Crystal Ship Shortwave

On Twitter  https://x.com/tcsshortwave

Online Molvania Poacher

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Sixteen recent, complaint-driven, FM-related notices to landlords in NY/NJ metro area:

All reception direct-- From my location, radio and antenna.
QTH New Hampshire (70 miles north of Boston).
Tecsun S-8800 and Kenwood R-2000, with about 135 feet of wire thrown up in the trees.
eQSLs most appreciated to molvaniapoacher@gmail.com.

Offline MDK2

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Hell, AM and FM broadcasting stations are losing out to streaming and the internet now,
is that not true??

From the airwave, yes. But if they can, a lot also stream these days. When I listen to my local classical station, they much more frequently tell you how to find them with your smart speaker than announce their call sign and broadcast frequency. And they seem to offer locally produced programming for podcasting too. Now, how that competes with everything else that's streaming remains to be seen. But stations seem to be adjusting to the new way.
Denver, CO.
SDRPlay RSPdx & RSP2pro, Airspy Discovery HF+, Icom IC-7100, Grundig Satellit 750, Realistic DX-300, Tecsun PL-600.
MLA-30 active loop, G5RV dipole.
eQSLs appreciated wickerjennie at gmail

Offline Charlie_Dont_Surf

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Sixteen recent, complaint-driven, FM-related notices to landlords in NY/NJ metro area:


Joseph Alexander of the Bronx (New York), the operator of the New Covenant Christian Church, which is the listed owner of a property where an illegal radio station is purportedly operating on 88.9 FM.

Sounds familiar. (re: the church in Oregon in a similar situation)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 0500 UTC by Charlie_Dont_Surf »
I don't STRETCH the truth.

cdsurf attt protonmail d0t com


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