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Author Topic: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022  (Read 1425 times)

Offline Shortwave_Listener

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WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« on: December 19, 2022, 0218 UTC »
S9+30 with the K3FEF KiwiSDR, just a trace under the high RFI at home.

0210 UTC-Oldies
0213 UTC-Message from a listener to the people of Ukraine, ad for the Icom 7300, this is Jeff Lawrence on WRMI Legends
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 0222 UTC by Shortwave_Listener »
Lucas Bandura
eQSL appreciated! lucasnerite@gmail.com
Songs are identified with Shazam if needed. I usually use KiwiSDR receivers. Reception from my QTH is using a Hermes Lite 2 with a 40 meter band Inverted V at 40 feet.
My website: https://swl7.wordpress.com/
Shortwave Radio Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@SW_Archive

Offline ~SIGINT~

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2022, 0219 UTC »
Were they not supposed to take over some of the WTWW programming?

Nice to see the former WTWW frequency back up. I wonder if they are using the WTWW facilities.

02:20 UTC - Weak readable with fading in and out;
02:25 UTC - Decent signal on the HFU T2FD antenna.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 0227 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

Offline Shortwave_Listener

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2022, 0222 UTC »
I am not sure, below is what Wikipedia says on the WTWW page.

“On December 18, 2022, WRMI officially took over the 5.085 frequency previously used by WTWW, returning the previous format to that frequency under the WRMI Legends brand and WRMI license while continuing to use the 24-hour Internet service to fill in holes in WRMI's schedule on other frequencies.”
« Last Edit: December 19, 2022, 0228 UTC by Shortwave_Listener »
Lucas Bandura
eQSL appreciated! lucasnerite@gmail.com
Songs are identified with Shazam if needed. I usually use KiwiSDR receivers. Reception from my QTH is using a Hermes Lite 2 with a 40 meter band Inverted V at 40 feet.
My website: https://swl7.wordpress.com/
Shortwave Radio Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@SW_Archive

Offline ~SIGINT~

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2022, 0312 UTC »
I ran 3 seperate TDoA passes on the transmitter and the results are in Pennsylvania.

Based on this WRMI Legends - Transmitter Site Tour - WTWW, I would have expected TDoA to be Upper Cumberland River area / Tennessee.

A video tour:
My visit to WTWW. A MASSIVE Shortwave Station! Part 1: A Tour Of The Transmitter Site.

As per usual, TDoA is junk.

Offline Shortwave_Listener

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2022, 0506 UTC »
Yes, TDoA sucks. I got results in Florida, Michigan, and Indiana. I think this is from the WRMI transmitter site, but I am not 100% sure.
Lucas Bandura
eQSL appreciated! lucasnerite@gmail.com
Songs are identified with Shazam if needed. I usually use KiwiSDR receivers. Reception from my QTH is using a Hermes Lite 2 with a 40 meter band Inverted V at 40 feet.
My website: https://swl7.wordpress.com/
Shortwave Radio Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@SW_Archive

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2022, 1141 UTC »
WTWW was in Tennessee close to the Alabama state line. JPL used to talk about working there in his early day's on WBCQ and how he didn't need a radio to monitor the signal when he would go outside the building, he'd just take a small speaker.

I know it blasted in here with the "Iron Nun", Mother Angelica, denouncing sinners with a 40 Khz. wide signal and harmonics all over the bands. They claimed to be targeting Europe with their programming, but that was a load of crap.

Offline Paul B. Walker, Jr.

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2022, 2116 UTC »
This is 100 percent originating from the WRMI facilities in Okeechobee, FL. Owner Jeff white told me over the weekend they were moving 4980 to 5085 as of Monday.
Paul B. Walker, Jr.

Program Director: KSKO 89.5 McGrath, Alaska www.kskopublicradio.com

Afternoon Air Talent: Hits 106 KLMI Laramie, WY 3 to 7pm Mon-Sat www.myhits106.com

Available for voiceover work, use the email listed above!

Offline ~SIGINT~

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2022, 2215 UTC »
Thanks Paul,

Any indication as to what is going to happen to the former WTWW transmitter facility?

Offline Paul B. Walker, Jr.

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2022, 0417 UTC »
Thanks Paul,

Any indication as to what is going to happen to the former WTWW transmitter facility?

not a clue.. i wasnt a fan
Paul B. Walker, Jr.

Program Director: KSKO 89.5 McGrath, Alaska www.kskopublicradio.com

Afternoon Air Talent: Hits 106 KLMI Laramie, WY 3 to 7pm Mon-Sat www.myhits106.com

Available for voiceover work, use the email listed above!

Offline Shortwave_Listener

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2022, 1856 UTC »
I found this: https://www.w4uvh.net/ghlogs_2022_1201_1207.txt

“** U S A. Ex-5085 et al., another WTWW update from George McClintock,
my scribbled notes paraphrased from phone conversation early UT
December 2:

#2 transmitter is now ready to run at 100 kW; #1 maybe 85 kW. You
can`t really tell the difference by listening until maybe 50 kW or
less. The power modules on #2 were burnt to hell. There was a massive
cooling water leak, spilt all over the floor. They had many gallon
jugs of distilled water on hand to compensate. #3 antenna is severely
damaged, for the Harris 100 transmitter, could run low power only. The
antenna matching device for #1 had been disconnected, and the cover
missing, but it seems to work. Everything is wrong. Various other
missing parts had been hidden, now found. US SW stations are supposed
to pay a frequency coordination fee each season, but this was not done
by WTWW, maybe about $200K behind, with 25% penalties building up!
This does not go directly to FCC but to USG general fund. Any
purchaser would have to clear that debt (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. From George McClintock ``WTWW Priority work as of

 1. Put resin in # 1 & 2 Tanks.
 2. Clean # 1 matching device, lubricate and find cover (if possible).
 3. Remove # 2 matching cover and clean/lubricate... replace cover.
 4. Replace found switching modules in # 1 transmitter existing power
 5. Repair, in good condition, one but parts removed from power module,
# 1.
 6. Replace 2 metal tuning rods in # 2 transmitter. (I have never had a
reason to do so and do not exactly know how to).
 7. Replace rusted filters in Harris SW100 transmitter. (Mounting was
bent when taking rusted filters out).
 8. Connect motor to capacitor in # 3 transmitter.
 9. Replace light bulbs in both #1 & 2 transmitters.
10. Hook up water level sensors on #1 & 2 transmitters which have been
disconnected by the previous engineer.
11. Have DTC install their modem and connect internet to transmitter
remote control and computers.
12. Install switching modules in # 2 & 1 power modules(when they are
received in the mail from China).
13. Repair 3 serious water leaks in # 2 transmitter.
14. Fix door in # 2 transmitter that will not open.
15. Continue to check out for good # 1 control cards.
16. If the above is not enough I have more problems that need
(via Glenn Hauser, WOR)”


“** U S A. 5085 et al., update from George McClintock about WTWW,
bearing his title, so maybe not done for yet?

``WTWW: Resurrection --- Bags and bags of junk have been removed from
the site. The forest in front of the building and under # 1 antenna
have been cut down and removed. A scrubber machine has cut the
remaining small bush to the dirt ground. Grass under #2 antenna is
currently being cut down. #2 {1?} antenna grass has been cut.

The sagging floor in the kitchen and bathrooms have been strengthened
and replaced with plywood. A new heating and AC unit has been
installed and keeps the house warm. A new washer and dryer are setting
on the deck waiting installation next week. All old carpet has been
removed and a new floor is scheduled for next week. The deck has been
one half pressure washed and is down to the natural wood. The other
half cleaning is scheduled for next week. The front door has dropped
down and is being fixed. A small crew is staying in the house to save
on motel expense. Light bulbs have been replaced and garbage/trash has
been removed from the transmitter building. AC unit filters which were
unbelievably dirty have been replaced. #3 transmitter outside filters
have rusted in place and had to be hammered out and replaced.

Transmitters 1 & 2 are running but await the water cleaner RESIN to
keep the eating {?} of copper tubing up. Sacrificial rods are to be
replaced soon. All moving parts have been lubricated and working
correctly, for a change. Over one half of the transmitter light bulbs
are out and are slowly being replaced. One of the Harris SW100
transmitter #3 motors was removed and not replaced. We have a
replacement motor which is currently being installed.

More fixes in a later release. George McClintock 11-28-2022``
(via Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)”
« Last Edit: December 21, 2022, 1936 UTC by Shortwave_Listener »
Lucas Bandura
eQSL appreciated! lucasnerite@gmail.com
Songs are identified with Shazam if needed. I usually use KiwiSDR receivers. Reception from my QTH is using a Hermes Lite 2 with a 40 meter band Inverted V at 40 feet.
My website: https://swl7.wordpress.com/
Shortwave Radio Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@SW_Archive

Offline ~SIGINT~

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2022, 2146 UTC »
Wow, the site was in a major state of disarray! Good to hear that they are making the investment in revitalizing the facility.

It has been over 20+ years since I have worked on high power transmitters and reading about all the repairs required gets me excited. I would love to get my hands into this project. I am familiar with that cooling issue. One of the transmitters we used to service was 1 million watts ERP. Cooling involved "pluming", filled with glycol, from the transmitter to a circulating pump to a very large radiator with fan to dissipate the heat. Essentially, the same cooling system principle you would find in an automobile but several times larger in scale. As a side note, water is not a good conductor of heat and leads to corrosion. In a pinch sure, but long term nope, no good. This is most likely why they had the leak.

Thank you for the current and hopefully future updates.

Offline Shortwave_Listener

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2023, 0602 UTC »
Further updates:


USA    George cleaning up Ted's mess at WTWW.

George McClintock, of the real WTWW, has sent me a number of comments as
he and son have been trying to get WTWW back in proper operation, most of
them accompanied by photographic evidence, each 3 or 4 or 5 MB in size so
not practical to include here. But his comments in chrono order:

Sent: 11/16/2022 7:32:04 PM CST. Subject: WTWW: bird sucked up.
A bird sucked up in # 1 transmitter stack blower inside the transmitter
building ... now dead.

Sent: 11/27/2022 5:30:05 PM CST. Subject: WTWW: rusted air filters.
Rusted air filters in the Harris SW100 # 3 transmitter.

WTWW: Air conditioners - a mess. The # 2 air conditioner has run
without filters and the others are dirty. Dirt everywhere.
George McClintock 11-27-2022.

WTWW: transmitter # 1 problems. Dirty chain belt inside the
matching unit and not lubricated. Not even connected to the transmitter at
all. John McClintock and myself were unable to find the top cover that is
missing. Both panel plates were lift off by Ted/David. They tried to
operate # 1 transmitter with them off. John McClintock attaching them back
on. George McClintock 11-29-2022

Sent: 12/4/2022 2:50:15 PM CST. WTWW: burnt power modules found.
5 burnt #1 transmitter power modules found in a box striped of parts.
Power module under repair. lacking 1/8 amp fuses which are order to be
delivered Tuesday.

WTWW: water maintenance by Ted. Note dirt in plastic water con-
tainer from # 2 transmitter boiler (tube socket). This is the level of
David/Ted's water maintenance. George McClintock 12-8-2022

WTWW: matching unit fix. John McClintock rewiring motor correctly
Matching device of transmitter # 1. Top found to # 1 matching unit.
George McClintock 12-8-2022.

WTWW: stuck door. Door # 2 transmitter would not open. Locking
mechanism was upside down and backwards. Door now opens as it should.
It took 2 hours to get it right. George McClintock 12-9-2022

Taking every WTWW problem into account, it is my opinion that the entire
transmitting facility was the verge of a total collapse. This is typical
of the remaining power cards after a clean up and before adding the
switcher module. 4 more module are burned up also. We are short 7 burned
up or otherwise power modules for transmitter # 1.
A number of small control cards are also missing and what I have are se-
verely damaged. George McClintock 12-16-2022

WTWW: Resin fill up. John McClintock and Jason, placing Resin
into water cleaning tank for transmitter # 1. The old resin was as hard
as concrete. Ted never changed the resin. Tank pipe was very dirty and
water could not pass through to be cleaned up. George McClintock 12-16-22

WTWW: a little humor - very little - Harris SW100 transmitter #3.
George McClintock 12-23-2022

WTWW: #2 full power. All modules are up and running (all 48
lights). The # 2 transmitter is now capable of running 105 KW of power.
Switching modules were found in the junk pile that Ted thought were bad,
but not so, and were used to get the transmitter up to full power.

The #1 transmitter will now run 80kW, however 12 of the modules are miss-
ing and only 4 burned up remain and are being repaired as of now. Burned
up as they are makes it very difficult and time consuming to fix them.
George McClintock 12-31-2022
(via Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, wor Jan 4)
Lucas Bandura
eQSL appreciated! lucasnerite@gmail.com
Songs are identified with Shazam if needed. I usually use KiwiSDR receivers. Reception from my QTH is using a Hermes Lite 2 with a 40 meter band Inverted V at 40 feet.
My website: https://swl7.wordpress.com/
Shortwave Radio Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@SW_Archive

Offline Shortwave_Listener

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Re: WRMI Legends 5085 AM 0210 UTC 19 DEC 2022
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2023, 1539 UTC »
I got these messages from the World of Radio group:

From: George
To: Glenn Hauser
Sent: Friday, February 3, 2023, 12:13:34 AM GMT+1
Subject: WTWW: Shortwave transmitter for sale


I have a Harris 100, 100 KW transmitter puled from service for sale along with the TCI
antenna at a very reasonable price.

In a message dated 11/23/2022 10:45:25 PM Central Standard Time, wghauser@yahoo.com writes:


I assume you would like me to publicize this.


The TCI antenna (used at KAIJ) that I bought from KAIJ, is now up for sale.
Offers will be considered.

George McClintock 2-2-2023

From: Hansjörg Biener

Re: [WOR] WTWW: Shortwave transmitter for sale

and I thought everything was messed up and broken. I wonder what a potential buyer of the transmitter would conclude when considering the earlier posts.
Lucas Bandura
eQSL appreciated! lucasnerite@gmail.com
Songs are identified with Shazam if needed. I usually use KiwiSDR receivers. Reception from my QTH is using a Hermes Lite 2 with a 40 meter band Inverted V at 40 feet.
My website: https://swl7.wordpress.com/
Shortwave Radio Archive: https://www.youtube.com/@SW_Archive


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