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Author Topic: Radio Free Whatever 6960 USB 2307 UTC 11 February 2023  (Read 328 times)

Offline Ron Hunsicker

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Radio Free Whatever 6960 USB 2307 UTC 11 February 2023
« on: February 11, 2023, 2330 UTC »
Dick came on at 2307 with his normal opening music, then chatted a bit about being on for two days in a row.  Suddenly, the BC ended and Dick came back with reports of popping and crackling.  He was, and did, sign-off to see what was up.

Gone at 2309

Ron Hunsicker
Wyomissing, Pennsylvania 
ronhunsi at ptd.net
Elad FDM-S3, Drake R-4B, a dipole cut for 6955, a DX Engineering Amplified Vertical, and a Wellbrook with a rotator


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