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Author Topic: Barnyard Radio 6925 USB  (Read 1343 times)

Offline Zoidberg

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Barnyard Radio 6925 USB
« on: May 29, 2009, 0558 UTC »
5/29/09 Barnyard Radio 6925 USB (w/ very slight, slow downward drift), approx. 0200-0300 UTC, SINPO - 33233 between 0200-0230z. Deeper fades after 0230z.  (N. Central TX - Palstar R30C w/ indoor fugloop antenna)

0212z: Barnyard Radio ID. Don't recognize music but good signal, S3-S5 on indoor antenna.
0225z: B-52's "Planet Claire"
0227z: Barnyard Radio op, "Where the f**k were you in 1979?" (referring to year B-52's song came out). Lessee... I was in the Navy, stationed in San Diego.
0229z: Barnyard Radio ID
0233z: Depeche Mode "Grabbing Hands"
0243z: Vapours "Turning Japanese" (mixed with other song?)
0255z: Bruce Cockburn "If I Had a Rocket Launcher"
0259z: Boogie in the Barnyard and "Smoke weed every day" jingle, manic laughter on loop.

1.8 MB mp3, ID's, B-52's "Planet Claire" followed by commentary from Chuck Manson: http://www.mediafire.com/?lffyzixjjkj
That li'l ol' DXer from Texas
Unpleasant Frequencies Crew
Al: Palstar R30C & various antennae
Snoopy: Sony ICF-2010
Roger: Magnavox D2935
(Off-air recordings.)


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