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Author Topic: National Unification Broadcasting - National Unity Radio now on 7355 kHz.  (Read 924 times)

Offline Ron - Calif.

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- - - posted to WORiog today (March 28):
Hi group,

A station in Korean has an extended service on 7355 kHz since 26 March. I can hear in on various Japanese Kiwi SDRs
starting at 1200, it lasts until 1400 and beyond. Mostly easy talks and South Korean singers. Due to some family duties,
can't listen or record the sign-on at 1200 exact.

No such entry in the KBS A23 sked. Any hint? BBC Korean via PHT is only registered here after 1530 (HFCC data).


- - - - My reply: 

Dmitry - Thanks very much for your informative posting. 7355 kHz. perhaps will be free from N. Korea jamming for a while now?

National Unification Broadcasting (National Unity Radio)
Korean : "Gugmin tong-il Bangsong"
Website : https://www.uni-media.net/?lang=en


"It is a national unification broadcast.

From March 26, 2023, the summer shortwave frequency will change.

Frequency: 7355khz

Broadcast time: 9-12 pm (Korean peninsula time)" [1200-1500 UT] [Formerly, when on ex: 5900 kHz., was
from 1100-1258 UT]
« Last Edit: March 28, 2023, 1801 UTC by Ron - Calif. »


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