2318 UTC Unid ambient music (S9+ with very minor fading and excellent audio)
2320 UTC OM with ID "WAIR...All Indie Radio", followed by a song with lyrics "Delivery Driver"-OM singer
2323 UTC Spoken word over sound effects, followed by an unid indie song-OM singer (eerie sounding keyboards!)
2326 UTC OM DJ mentioned "Spectrum Is Green" as the last song, then "WAIR, All Indie Radio...our 20th anniversary broadcast on the shortwave spectrum" The OM DJ gave his name but I missed it
2327 UTC Unid song-OM vocals
2332 UTC OM DJ mentioned the last song was "They Said Tomorrow" and ID, then another OM said "Do it yourself", followed by an unid indie song-OM singers segue into another unid indie song-OM singers
2341 UTC Unid song-OM singer
2344 UTC OM mentioned last couple of songs "Ghosts of American Astronauts" and one by "Yo La Tengo"...Here on All Indie Radio
2345 UTC OM with "Let's crank up another tune here on All Indie Radio, followed by "Time After Time"-Cyndi Lauper(cut short by DJ..."That was All Cyndi Radio"..."This is WAIR All Indie Radio"...followed by another unid song-YL singers?
2351 UTC OM DJ mentioned "West coast band"..."Tracy Had A Hard Day Sunday"...I'm ??...WAIR, followed by an unid song-OM singers
2357 UTC OM with Robert K ? then "you can send your email reports to shortwavemaildrop@gmail.com ...this has been a transmission by WAIR", then OFF