SINPO=34222, a bit noisy here tonight.
051- Bram speaking about radio related news, with pithy commentary sprinkled in. Gives mail drop address at 053. Something about a QSL recipient winning a trip (to Ontario?)
053- YL singing old time sounding slow ballad, with piano and violin accompaniment (trumpet joining in later).
057- Bram back on the mic. Reads listener letters in Mailbag segment. Aztec would like to hear from you...Send your dumb questions, with address provided.
101- OM announces a new segment, followed by YL speaking with chime sounding music in the background. OM back to end segment.
102- "This is your announcer, Bram Stoker again," and something about having almost used up their time. "Listen to our relay station announcer," and they will check the details of reports very carefully...."Until next time...."
103- Quick music, and the OM IDs relay service as "All Azteca Radio Service" I believe. Gives email address twice.
104- Horn sounding flourish, into...
104- "Sheba" by Johnny and The Hurricanes.
105- OM says "god I love that," and then....
105- Bram introduces Radio Azteca Number Two, and thanks KHPP2 relay station. Give Wellsville, NY mail drop address.
106- Bram reviews reception reports as reviewed by the crack staff at Radio Azteca HQ.
Thanks for the relay of a classic program!