0108 - "Silent Night"
0113 - "Silent Night" but this time by a gospel choir.
Getting killed by QRN on an SDR in New England but SINPO 35243.
0116 - ID and website or email address by YL ending in ".uk" but too much noise in this room to hear clearly, even with headphones pressed against my ears. Possibly German-accented.
0120-1 - Announcements by male then female but too much reverb and noise.
0125 - Much better on the W1NT SDR with Beverage antenna pointed at Europe. Significantly less QRN. Strong carrier but the modulation is a mess; no highs, muddy and distorted.

0130 - Announcements
0132 - "Jingle Bells"
0134 - Several Radio Dr. Tim IDs.
Recording from W1NT SDR starting at 0135:
https://voca.ro/1oqjdWtFsnbW0142 - "Check out the website 'statesofunrest.com'"
0145 - Repeat of the above. SINPO 43344 / S8 on W1NT SDR.
0155 - Little Drummer Boy
0157 - ID, "Merry Christmas" and SSTV.
Recording starting at 0156 and including the SSTV, in case anybody wants to have a go:
https://voca.ro/1bxYf584YSHkRadio Dr. Tim has passed (RIP) but dammit, he never learned that reverb is generally not helpful for intelligibility

0205 - NAPRS ID, address and SSTV
0207 - TX off.