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Author Topic: Hamfests gear great for, not just Hams, but A/D transfers.  (Read 721 times)

Offline ThaDood

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Wrote this up on Linked In. And, could still be true, here:

"This weekend is the world famous Hamvention over at Xenia / Dayton, Ohio. Great for radio enthusiasts, but could be great for you as well, non-radio incline folks. How??? Incredible anount of personal networking, various tech talk forums to check-out, (Like in Weather Spotting, Solar Studying, IT verious linkings, Podcasting, FEMA and other emergency go-overs, etc.). However, the biggest reason to check-out Hamfests are the deals that you can get in the flea-markets. Not just radio gear, but anything and everything in electronics and more! Vintage audio gear, like turntables, open-reel decks, cassette decks, 8-Track decks, AM / FM tuners, audio amplifiers, audio mixers with Magnetic Phono inputs, various audio amplifiers, various analog audio Pro and comsumer gear, like production mixers / switchers, various VID tape formats, like VHS, BETA, 8mm, 3/4" U-matic, etc. And, even vintage film and movie gear. If you are resourceful, and can get this gear working / cleaned / condition, yourself, all the beter. The big point here??? Analog to digital format transfers, for you, or others. You could do these, as a gift for friends & family, or make a quick $20.00 per transfer, and even expand to getting your DBA to do it Full / Part Time as an income. Last transfer that I did was 8-Track of a guy's kids' voices from the 1970's. And, he was thrilled that I was able to do 8-Track to CD-R. So, possibilities here could be endly from Hamfest finds. Check them out!"

The latest thing that I'm trying to point-out to GEN Y & Z'ers, those Radio Shack 1980's mixers are still great for Magnetic Turntable Preamps, with the MAG Phono IN, built-in. (I have several, here.) Also, great gear for Podcast start-ups, then graduate / upgrade with newer gear. And, being that most of the analog gear is through-hole tech, most of this gear is still repairable. Passing thoughts...

“I am often asked how radio works. Well, you see, wire telegraphy
is like a very long cat. You yank his tail in New York and he
meows in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? Now, radio is
exactly the same, except that there is no cat.”
-Attributed to Albert Einstein, but I ripped it from the latest Splatter .PDF March 2025 issue.

Online Charlie_Dont_Surf

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Re: Hamfests gear great for, not just Hams, but A/D transfers.
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2023, 0700 UTC »
The latest thing that I'm trying to point-out to GEN Y & Z'ers, those Radio Shack 1980's mixers are still great for Magnetic Turntable Preamps, with the MAG Phono IN, built-in. (I have several, here.) Also, great gear for Podcast start-ups, then graduate / upgrade with newer gear. And, being that most of the analog gear is through-hole tech, most of this gear is still repairable. Passing thoughts...

 I can guarantee that the old pots have become erratic and noisy by now. Make sure that you clean them very well.
I don't STRETCH the truth.

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