Trenton Military General Log: 2023-07-03
031528Z JUL 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:28Z RESCUE 344 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check; sector 3; have you 4x4;
15:28Z RESCUE 344 request primary, secondary frequencies and SELCAL check: GHBJ
15:30Z RESCUE 344: SELCAL check is good; requesting open watch at this time;
15:30Z Trenton Military: Primary frequency 11232.0, secondary 13257.0.
031721Z JUL 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
17:21Z RESCUE 344 request relay to JRCC Halifax: RESCUE 907 and RESCUE 344 are on route to Halifax with patient; ETA 18:30Z;
17:22Z Request traffic from RCC Halifax, actual & forecast weather for Halifax: CYHZ;
17:27Z TRENTON MILITARY to RESCUE 344; message relayed to RCC Halifax; negative traffic at this time; prepare to copy weather;
17:27Z Actual weather at CYHZ: issued at 17:00Z, wind 180 degree at 11 knot; visibility 14 statute miles ...
17:31Z Trenton Military experiencing some intermittent audio issues;
17:33Z RESCUE 344: TRENTON MILITARY you are broken and unreadable. We have enough information for now and will contact you again if required. RESCUE 344 out.
031737Z JUL 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
17:37Z RESCUE 338 sector 10 near Winnipeg calling TRENTON MILITARY;
17:38Z RESCUE 338 requesting primary & secondary frequencies, message traffic from RCC Trenton and SELCAL check: FMEL
17:41Z Trenton Military: SELCAL check; primary frequency 11232.0 secondary 15031.0, negative traffic from RCC Trenton;
17:42Z RESCUE 338: SELCAL check; operating in sector 12 in the vicinity of CYKO (Akulivik, Northern Quebec);
17:43Z RESCUE 338: I have nothing further, out.
031754Z JUL 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
17:54Z RESCUE 344 is in contact with Coast Guard radio; requesting close watch at this time.
17:56Z Trenton Military: Closing watched approved;
17:56Z RESCUE 344 closing watch at this time, out.
031818Z JUL 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
18:18Z RESCUE 338 in sector 11 now (Port Severn, Ontario) with TRENTON MILITARY and phone patch to RCC;
18:18Z RCC: CLA; 3 nautical miles; start with a shoreline search; North South line 22 West; shoreline between the 2 communities;
18:20Z RESCUE 338: Copies all, 2 hr from on-scene.
031834Z JUL 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
18:34Z PATH FINDER 04 with TRENTON MILITARY for radio check and SELCAL check: KPAE.
031845Z JUL 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
18:45Z TRENTON MILITARY to RESCUE 338 with msg from RCC Trenton; RTB (return to base) now;
18:46Z RESCUE 338: Copies all; standing-down and RTB. Out.
031852Z JUL 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
18:52Z RESCUE 338 with TRENTON MILITARY and msg for RCC: ETA Winnipeg 20:30Z.
031952Z JUL 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:52Z PATH FINDER 04 with TRENTON MILITARY requesting latest actual weather for Halifax between 21:00Z and 23:00Z;
19:55Z Trenton Military with requested weather;
20:00Z PATH FINDER 04 copies all. Nothing further, out.