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Author Topic: Trenton Military General Log  (Read 30672 times)

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #75 on: October 06, 2023, 1342 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-06

061330Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
13:30Z HUNTER 20 with TRENTON MILITARY; HUNTER 20 with immediate traffic;
13:30Z HUNTER 20: Relay immediate, date time group 061230Z from HUNTER 20 to RJOC Atlantic, ops normal at 13:30Z;
13:31Z HUNTER 20: No further traffic, out.

061430Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
14:30Z HUNTER 20 with TRENTON MILITARY; HUNTER 20 with 1 immediate traffic;
14:30Z HUNTER 20: Relay immediate, date time group 061430Z from HUNTER 20 to RJOC Atlantic, ops normal at 14:30Z;
14:30Z HUNTER 20: Good read-back (Trenton Military), no further traffic, out.

061533Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:33Z HUNTER 20 with TRENTON MILITARY; HUNTER 20 with 1 immediate traffic;
15:33Z HUNTER 20: Relay immediate, date time group 061530Z from HUNTER 20 to RJOC Atlantic break; ops normal at 15:30Z;
15:34Z HUNTER 20: Good read-back (Trenton Military), no further traffic, out.

061756Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
17:56Z CANFORCE 2307 with TRENTON MILITARY; request SELCAL check.

Note: CANFORCE 2307 was weak unreadable and TRENTON MILITARY was weak barely readable compounded with a large echo in the voice transmission.

061900Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:00Z TRENTON MILITARY with CANFORCE 2307; no traffic at this time.

061952Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:52Z AIRBUS CANUCK 169 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio and SELCAL check: BCAH
19:54Z AIRBUS CANUCK 169: check of second radio;
19:54Z Nothing further; out

061954Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:55Z CANFORCE 2207: Ops normal, requesting any traffic;
19:55Z Trenton Military: No traffic; CANFORCE 2207: Nothing further, out.

062058Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
20:58Z BOMBARDIER 32 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio and SELCAL check: MSHJ
20:59Z BOMBARDIER 32 check of second radio;
21:00Z BOMBARDIER 32: Good SELCAL, nothing further, out.

062107Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
21:07Z CANFORCE 2207 calling TRENTON MILITARY; ops normal, requesting traffic;
21:07Z Trenton Military: No traffic, out.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2023, 2337 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #76 on: October 10, 2023, 1359 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-10

101341Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
13:41Z TUSKER 344 calling TRENTON MILITARY for HF radio check; L/C.

101435Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
14:35Z ? 25 calling TRENTON MILITARY; Trenton Military: You are coming in loud but broken, over; (nothing else heard)

101440Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
14:40Z ? 065 this is TRENTON MILITARY I have you L/C; ? 065: No further traffic.

101525Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:25Z CANFORCE ? this is TRENTON MILITARY I have you L/C.

101826Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
18:26Z BOMBARDIER 01 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check; Trenton Military: Last calling station say again your last, over;
18:26Z BOMBARDIER 01 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check; quiet and distorted;
18:27Z BOMBARDIER 01 request SELCAL check: MSHJ
18:28Z BOMBARDIER 01 good SELCAL check, standby for other radio;
18:28Z BOMBARDIER 01 nothing further, out.

101852Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
18:52Z AIRCRAFT 344 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio and SELCAL check: GHBJ
18:53Z Good check, nothing further.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2023, 1854 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #77 on: October 11, 2023, 0027 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-11

110019Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
00:19Z CANFORCE 3984 calling TRENTON MILITARY with request to close watch.

110059Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
00:59Z ATLAS 338, in the vicinity of Winnipeg, Ops normal, request primary and secondary frequencies, traffic from JRCC and SELCAL check: FMEL
02:00Z ATLAS 338 SELCAL check is good, over;
01:01Z Trenton Military: No traffic from RCC; secondary frequency 9007;
01:01Z ATLAS 338 roger out.

111913Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:13Z CANFORCE 3609 with TRENTON MILITARY, airborne from Greenwood 18:35Z,destination Prestwick; request traffic and SELCAL check;
19:14Z Trenton Military: No traffic at this time;
19:14Z CANFORCE 3609 request open SELCAL watch; out.

112038Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
20:38Z CANFORCE 4172, sector 2, calling TRENTON MILITARY;
20:38Z CANFORCE 4172 request phone patch to CAOC (Combined Air Operations Centre, 1 Cdn Air Div HQ) Duty Watch Winnipeg, number ###-###-####;
20:42Z Trenton Military: That line is currently busy. Do you have another number you would like us to try?;
20:42Z CANFORCE 4172: Number ###-###-#### Ext" ####;
20:46Z Trenton Military: The same thing is happening with that number. It does not seem like it wants to get through to Winnipeg. Do you have another number you would like us to try?;
20:46Z CANFORCE 4172: Try Trenton Wing Ops at number ###-###-####;
20:48Z Trenton Military: You are on the line with Trenton Wing Ops;
20:49Z CANFORCE 4172: Request relay message to CAOC SODO; message from ? request 2 extra QL5 Traffic Techs if able to pick up from Prestwick to go to destination;
20:51Z CANFORCE 4172: No further message // break, break, phone patch over, no further traffic, out.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2023, 2359 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #78 on: October 12, 2023, 1414 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-12

121346Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
13:46Z BOMBARDIER 41 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio and SELCAL check: MSHJ
13:48Z BOMBARDIER 41 check of 2nd radio;
13:50Z BOMBARDIER 41 check of 3rd radio.

121535Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:35Z ATLAS 338, in the vicinity of CYEN (Estevan Regional Aerodrome, Estevan, Saskatchewan CA), with TRENTON MILITARY; ops normal and requesting traffic from RCC Trenton;
15:36Z Trenton Military: Negative traffic from RCC; ATLAS 338 nothing further, out.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2023, 1540 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #79 on: October 13, 2023, 1319 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-13

131315Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
13:15Z BOMBARDIER 30 calling TRENTON MILITARY for a series of radio checks;
13:17Z TRENTON MILITARY roger, out.

131435Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
14:35Z "TRENTON MILITARY test 1 2 3 3 2 1 test out" on multiple transmitters / antennae combinations.

131935Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:35Z BOMBARDIER 26 with TRENTON MILITARY requesting SELCAL check: MSHJ
19:36Z BOMBARDIER 26: Negative SELCAL, could we please try again;
19:37Z BOMBARDIER 26: SELCAL check ok, nothing further, out.

132118Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
21:18Z BACK HAND calling TRENTON MILITARY, sector 7, for radio check;
21:20Z BACK HAND calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check (second radio); Trenton Military: You are off frequency;
21:23Z BACK HAND calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check; Trenton Military: I have you 5x5; Back Hand: Please standby for further HF checks, over;
21:25Z BACK HAND calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check; Trenton Military: I have you 5x5; Back Hand: Thanks for the radio checks, no further request, out.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2023, 2128 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #80 on: October 14, 2023, 1930 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-14

141903Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:03Z OTIS 38 calling TRENTON MILITARY; Trenton Military: I have you 3x4, over;
19:07Z Last calling station this is TRENTON MILITARY say again over;
19:09Z OTIS 38 requesting phone patch; Trenton Military: OTIS 38 send number over; OTIS 38: ###-###-####;
19:13Z Trenton Military: OTIS 38 this is TRENTON MILITARY I have no answer from that number over;
19:14Z OTIS 38: Request relay message; Trenton Military: OTIS 38 send message over;
19:14Z OTIS 38: ETA ?
19:15Z Trenton Military: Send your report identifier for ETA over;
19:16Z OTIS 38: ?KNHA?
19:17Z Trenton Military: Request anything else; out.

Note: OTIS 38 was weak unreadable to my location.

141912Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:12Z Ground, this is MAINTENANCE 604 requesting SELCAL check: GHBM
19:15Z MAINTENANCE 604 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check; Trenton Military: Standby you are #2;
19:17Z Trenton Military: Last calling station this is TRENTON MILITARY say again over;
19:18Z TRENTON MILITARY nothing heard, out;
19:19Z MAINTENANCE 604 calling TRENTON MILITARY with request for SELCAL check: GHBM
19:20Z Last calling station this is TRENTON MILITARY say again over;
19:20Z AIRCRAFT 604 request SELCAL: GHBM
19:22Z Maintenance 604: Read you 5x5, over and out.

141948Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:48Z OTIS 38 with request for phone patch to commercial number ###-###-####;
19:50Z Trenton Military: There is no answer at that number, over;
19:51Z OTIS 38 copies, thank you for your help; out.

141952Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:52Z OTIS 38 with request for phone patch to commercial number ###-###-####;
19:55Z Trenton Military: OTIS 38 go ahead over; OTIS 38: // break break; ? Base; OTIS 38 is 40 mikes away from New River, understand ?; requesting extension to 20:45Z;
19:56Z Trenton Military: OTIS 38 standby over;
20:00Z Trenton Military: OTIS 38 this is TRENTON MILITARY, over;
20:01Z Trenton Military: They are going to get an answer for you. They are talking to the chief over;
20:01Z Trenton Military: Can you send over SELCAL, over;
20:01Z TRENTON MILITARY OTIS 38 standby;
20:04Z Trenton Military: Standby for SELCAL check over;
20:05Z OTIS 38 SELCAL check;
20:05Z Trenton Military: Will contact by SELCAL when we get a response.

142014Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
20:14Z TRENTON MILITARY calling OTIS 38 via SELCAL; Your time has been extended to 18:00 local;
20:15Z OTIS 38 no further assistance required, out.

142015Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
20:15Z TRENTON MILITARY this AIRCRAFT 604 requesting radio check; Trenton Military: Have you 5x5;
20:16Z AIRCRAFT 604 requesting SELCAL check: GHBM
20:16Z TRENTON MILITARY this is AIRCRAFT 604 read you 5x5, out.

142146Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
21:46Z RESCUE 340, in the vicinity of Winnipeg, calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check;
21:46Z RESCUE 340 ops normal, ETA on scene 00:06Z, request secondary frequency, traffic from RCC and SELCAL check: GHAE
21:49Z Trenton Military: Secondary frequency 9007, negative traffic from RCC. RESCUE 340: Nothing further, out.

142250Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
22:50Z RESCUE 340, ops normal, ETA 00:10Z, request traffic from RCC;
22:53Z Trenton Military: From RCC, 1 aircraft currently searching, de-conflict on 126.7. The identification of the aircraft is GUJI and the aircraft might be finished searching upon your arrival;
22:54Z RESCUE 340 copies all, nothing further out.

142357Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
23:57Z Trenton Military: Message from RCC, location at grid N62 deg 05.488 min W113 deg 44.46 min (Great Slave Lake);
Want you to confirm that it is ? location and if that they are to confirm with comms and support in that location;
Coast Guard reserve is ETA 2 to 3 hours out from that location so if you could support until they are in location;
23:59Z RESCUE 340: ETA to search area is 10 minutes.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2023, 0139 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #81 on: October 15, 2023, 0107 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-15

150039Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
00:39Z RESCUE 340 calling TRENTON MILITARY; RESCUE 340 with message for RCC;
   PARA   A: ?
               B: 6205113?4
               C: Undetermined
               D: 3FG?
               E: Identified OK
00:43Z RESCUE 340 will wait out until coast guard arrives;
00:44Z Trenton Military: Coast Guard left 15 min ago to be on scene;
00:45Z RESCUE 340: Do we have an ETA for the Coast Guard to be on-scene?;
00:46Z Coast Guard left CY?? and RCC is waiting on ETA.

150128Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
01:28Z RESCUE 340 calling TRENTON MILITARY; request phone patch to RCC;
01:30Z RESCUE 340 calling RCC via phone patch; Rescue Centre how copy R340?
01:31Z RESCUE 340 calling TRENTON MILITARY; cannot get phone patch going can you relay for us;
01:32Z RESCUE 340: ? back to Winnipeg; request ? Coast Guard
01:35Z Trenton Military: From RCC wait until Coast Guard arrives on the scene ... ?

Note: Both TRENTON MILITARY and RESCUE 340 were weak barely readable.

150233Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
02:33Z RESCUE 340 with TRENTON MILITARY and message for RCC;
02:34Z ETA for Coast Guard 10 minutes, bingo 30 to CYWG; holding CYRB for the next 30 minutes;
02:36Z RESCUE 340: Are you able to check once Coast Guard has arrived if we are clear to RTB;
02:36Z RESCUE 340: Copy, once the Coast Guard has picked up the personnel we are clear RTB; if nothing further out.

150252Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
02:52Z RESCUE 340 with TRENTON MILITARY; Relay to RCC that the Coast Guard has our 2 survivors and we will be heading back to Yellowknife shortly;
02:52Z Trenton Military / RESCUE 340: Ack, 2 POBs and we will be RTB Winnipeg shortly,
02:53Z RESCUE 340: Will wait for ack from RCC; Trenton Military: Roger, standby;
02:54Z Trenton Military: From RCC, you can RTB to Winnipeg at this time, nothing further, out.

150358Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
03:58Z RESCUE 340 with TRENTON MILITARY; ops normal, ETA Winnipeg 06:05Z; request traffic from RCC;
03:59Z Trenton Military: No traffic at this time, out.

150456Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
04:56Z RESCUE 340 with TRENTON MILITARY; ops normal and requesting traffic from RCC Trenton;
04:57Z Trenton Military: No traffic at this time, out.

151258Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
12:58Z CANFORCE 2315, in sector 3, calling TRENTON MILITARY, ops normal req
12:59Z Trenton Military: Negative traffic at this time for your station;
12:59Z CANFORCE 2315: Request SELCAL check: GHBM
13:00Z CANFORCE 2315: SELCAL ok, opening watch at this time, out.

151427Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
14:27Z CANFORCE 2315 with TRENTON MILITARY, request radio and SELCAL check: GHBM
14:28Z Trenton Military: Negative traffic at this time for your station.

151800Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
18:01Z BOMBARDIER 26 requesting radio checks; 4x4; nothing further, out.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2023, 2102 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #82 on: October 17, 2023, 1440 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-17

171434Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
14:34Z ATLAS 340, sector 10, with TRENTON MILITARY, ops normal, requesting primary & secondary frequencies, traffic from RCC and SELCAL check: GHAL
14:34Z Trenton Military: Primary frequency 11232 secondary 9007 and no traffic from RCC;
14:34Z ATLAS 340: No further traffic, out.

171524Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:24Z UNID A/C calling TRENTON MILITARY; (nothing else heard)

171536Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:36Z ATLAS 340, in the vicinity of Winnipeg, with TRENTON MILITARY; ops normal, request traffic from RCC Trenton;
15:37Z Trenton Military: No traffic from RCC; out.

171642Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
16:42Z ATLAS 340, in the vicinity of Kenora, calling TRENTON MILITARY; ops normal, requesting traffic RCC Trenton;
16:43Z Trenton Military: No traffic for you at this time, out.

171710Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
17:10Z 168072 C130 in Halifax calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check;
17:10Z Trenton Military: I have your 4x4. Out.

171713Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
17:13Z C130 168072 calling TRENTON MILITARY "doing a radio check on system 2, over";
17:15Z C130 168072 in Halifax calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check; Trenton Military: I have you 3x3; out.

171725Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
17:25Z TRENTON MILITARY calling aircraft via SELCAL: AMCS (nothing else heard)

171747Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
17:47Z TRENTON MILITARY calling aircraft via SELCAL: GHCE (nothing else heard)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 0134 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #83 on: October 18, 2023, 0049 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-18

180042Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
00:42Z OTIS 809 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio and SELCAL check: CMAR
00:45Z OTIS 809 nothing further, out.

180046Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
00:46Z ATLAS 340, in the vicinity of Winnipeg, calling TRENTON MILITARY; ops normal, request sec frequency, traffic from RCC and SELCAL check: GHAE
00:47Z Trenton Military: Secondary frequency 9007,
00:48Z Negative traffic from RCC; ATALS 340 no further traffic, out.

180126Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
01:26Z RED HANDED calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check; (L/C)

182134Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
21:34Z AIRCRAFT 142806, from Winnipeg, calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check;
21:35Z Trenton Military: Last calling station this is TRENTON MILITARY can you say again your aircraft number and I have you loud and clear, over;
21:35Z AIRCRAFT 142806: ... Winnipeg, doing a functional ...
21:35Z Trenton Military: Last calling station, this is TRENTON MILITARY last transmission was broken and unreadable over;
21:36Z Trenton Military: Last calling station, this is TRENTON MILITARY nothing heard, out.

182149Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
21:49Z AIRCRAFT 142806, from Winnipeg, calling TRENTON MILITARY "how do you read, over";
21:51Z AIRCRAFT 142806 calling TRENTON MILITARY "doing a radio check on HF, how do your read over";
21:52Z Trenton Military: Last station this is TRENTON MILITARY say again your last over; (nothing else heard)
« Last Edit: October 18, 2023, 2303 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #84 on: October 19, 2023, 0133 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-19

190046Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
00:46Z Last calling station this is TRENTON MILITARY say again your last over;
00:46Z Trenton Military: ATLAS 340 this is TRENTON MILITARY standby for SELCAL: GHAE
00:47Z Trenton Military: Negative traffic from RCC; please confirm good SELCAL and area for secondary frequency;
00:48Z Trenton Military: Standby for secondary frequency; Trenton Military: Secondary will be 9007;
00:48Z Trenton Military: Roger out.

Note: ATLAS 340 could not be heard from my location.

190056Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
00:56Z TRENTON MILITARY with BOMBARDIER 34; Trenton Military: standby for SELCAL check: EHBK
00:56Z BOMBARDIER 34: Negative SELCAL, request additional SELCAL: EHBK
00:56Z BOMBARDIER 34: SELCAL check; standby for second radio;
00:57Z Trenton Military: Sending SELCAL: EHBK
00:57Z BOMBARDIER 34: SELCAL check; request another SELCAL check: EHBK
00:57Z BOMBARDIER 34: SELCAL check; nothing further, out.

190146Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
01:47Z Trenton Military: ATLAS 340 standby for traffic from RCC, over;
01:47Z Trenton Military: Negative traffic from RCC, over; roger out.

191405Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
14:05Z ATLAS 340 calling TRENTON MILITARY, ops normal out of Winnipeg transiting to La Ronge Airport, requesting primary and secondary frequencies, any traffic from RCC and SELCAL check: GHAE
14:05Z Trenton Military: Primary frequency 11232 secondary 9007;
14:06Z ATLAS 340: Good SELCAL over;
14:06Z Trenton Military: Confirm the location you are travelling to again, over;
14:06Z ATLAS 340: En route La Ronge Saskatchewan, that is CYVC;
14:07Z Trenton Military: Negative traffic from RCC;
14:06Z ATLAS 340: Will maintain SELCAL watch, nothing further, out.

191451Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
14:51Z HUNTER 909 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check;
14:51Z CANFORCE 909 requesting SELCAL check: DSCF
14:52Z HUNTER 909: SELCAL check complete, nothing further, out.

191517Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:17Z ATLAS 340, currently working in the vicinity of CYDN, calling TRENTON MILITARY; ops normal and looking for traffic from RCC;
15:18Z From RCC, no traffic from RCC at this time, nothing further, out.

191547Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:47Z ATLAS 340, in the vicinity of CYDN, with TRENTON MILITARY, ops normal and looking for approval from RCC to drop SAR Tech at CYDN;
15:48Z Trenton Military: RCC has been advised and request approved;
15:48Z ATLAS 340: Copies all, no further traffic at this time, out.

191807Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
18:07Z TRENTON MILITARY calling A/C via SELCAL; no response;
18:08Z TRENTON MILITARY calling A/C via SELCAL; no response. (nothing else heard)
« Last Edit: October 19, 2023, 1929 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #85 on: October 20, 2023, 0019 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-20

200013Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
00:13Z ATLAS 340, in the vicinity of Winnipeg, calling TRENTON MILITARY, ops normal, request secondary frequency, traffic from RCC, radio and SELCAL check: GHAE
00:14Z ATLAS 340: SELCAL check is good, over;
00:15Z Trenton Military: Negative traffic from RCC, secondary 9007;
00:15Z ATLAS 340: Nothing further, out.

201534Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:34Z TUSKER 343 calling TRENTON MILITARY; 70 nautical miles North West of Quebec city, ops normal, requesting any general traffic from RCC;
15:35Z Trenton Military: Negative traffic;
15:35Z TUSKER 343: Updated ETA for Calgary is 21:45Z.

201541Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:41Z ATLAS 340 calling TRENTON MILITARY with message; ops normal, request traffic from RCC and we are looking to perform a training jump to Gimli in the next 10 minutes;
15:42Z Trenton Military: Negative traffic and jump is approved.

201554Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:54Z ATLAS 340 calling TRENTON MILITARY with message; ops normal, requesting traffic from RCC and we are RTB Winnipeg in about 15 minutes;
15:55Z Trenton Military: Negative traffic from RCC;
15:56Z ATLAS 340: Request close watch;
15:56Z Trenton Military: Close watch approved; (no response from ATLAS 340)
15:57Z ATLAS 340 this is TRENTON MILITARY radio check over;
15:57Z TRENTON MILITARY nothing heard out.

201824Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
18:24Z UNID (maintenance) calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check.

201848Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
18:48Z TUSKER 343 with TRENTON MILITARY; now in contact with 17 Wing Ops; inbound ?; request close watch at this time;
18:48Z Trenton Military: Roger out.

radegcc: Ref 13:14Z HUNTER 20; nice catch all the way from W. Scotland and thank you for posting.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2023, 1347 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Re: Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #86 on: October 20, 2023, 1604 UTC »
13:14Z HUNTER 20 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio and SELCAL check: ARCF

SELCAL ARCF  -This was 140108 CP140M Aurora 413Sqn
73's Rob
QTH - Troon, W. Scotland UK

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #87 on: October 21, 2023, 1352 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-21

211343Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
13:43Z NEWS ROOM, in sector 7, with TRENTON MILITARY for a series of radio checks on multiple radios;
13:50Z Radio checks complete, out.

212059Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
20:59Z OTIS 83 calling TRENTON MILITARY; request phone patch ###-###-####;
21:02Z OTIS 83: We request 20 G, pepperoni pizzas and weather in Lajes;
21:04Z PP with WX for Lajes;
21:04Z OTIS 83: How copy pizzas; 20 X G and 20 X pepperoni;
21:05Z PP: Say ETA; OTIS 83: ETA 00:30Z;
21:08Z Trenton Military: Nothing else heard, out.

212121Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
21:21Z TUSKER 343, in sector 5, calling TRENTON MILITARY;
21:21Z TUSKER 343: Reporting ops normal, request primary and secondary frequency;
21:22Z Trenton Military: Primary 11232 secondary 9007;
21:22Z TUSKER 343: Request SELCAL check: GHBE
21:23Z TUSKER 343 opening SELCAL watch at this time, nothing further, out.

212248Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
22:49Z TUSKER 343: Ops normal, overhead Medicine Hat;
22:50Z Trenton Military: TRENTON MILITARY nothing heard, out. (weak unreadable)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2023, 0046 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #88 on: October 23, 2023, 1336 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-23

231309Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
13:09Z CANFORCE 2279, in vicinity of L???, with TRENTON MILITARY, ops normal, request primary and secondary frequency and SELCAL check: FMGL
13:13Z Trenton Military: CANFORCE 2279, did you receive any of my SELCALS over;
13:14Z Negative traffic, primary 11232 secondary 18012;
13:14Z CANFORCE 2279 with request to Wing Ops;
13:19Z Trenton Military: 14 Wing Ops confirms that 0457 has taken off at 11:31Z and they are in contact over chat;
13:21Z Trenton Military: CANFORCE 2279 did you copy my last message, over;
13:21Z Trenton Military: 14 Wing Ops confirms that 0457 has taken off at 11:31Z and they are in contact over chat; (nothing else heard)

231512Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:12Z TRENTON MILITARY calling KINGSTON MILITARY for radio check; no response;
15:13Z TRENTON MILITARY calling KINGSTON MILITARY for radio check;
15:14Z Trenton Military: Have you 4x4, Kingston Military: Roger, out.

Note: Kingston must be getting ready for the Noble Skywave exercise.

231519Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:19Z ATLAS 340, sector 10, calling TRENTON MILITARY; no response;
15:22Z ATLAS 340, sector 10, calling TRENTON MILITARY; request for primary and secondary frequency, traffic from RCC Trenton and SELCAL check: GHAE
15:23Z Trenton Military: What is you AOR for today, ATLAS 340: Vicinity of Winnipeg today;
15:24Z ATLAS 340: Good SELCAL check, over; Trenton Military: Negative traffic from RCC, primary 11232 secondary 9007;
15:25Z ATLAS 340: No further traffic and will maintain SELCAL watch for the remainder of the flight, out.

231542Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
15:42Z BOMBARDIER 31 calling TRENTON MILITARY with request for SELCAL check: MSHJ
15:43Z Bombardier 31 SELCAL check, out.

231907Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
19:07Z RESCUE 344 with TRENTON MILITARY with request for latest and forecast METAR for CYYT;
19:10Z Nothing further, out.

232006Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
20:06Z CANFORCE 2279 with TRENTON MILITARY requesting phone patch with Maj Mitchel at ###-###-#### (cell);
20:08Z Trenton Military: I got the voice mail for Maj #######;
20:09Z CANFORCE 2279: Can you try 435 Sqn Ops please;
20:10Z CANFORCE 2279: amendment to our ERO for estimating Winnipeg at 18:00Z vise 16; please pass to Maj ######## and ####; we are on our way to Bagotville;
20:12Z CANFORCE 2279: Break break // TRENTON MILITARY terminate phone patch. Nothing further and we will maintain SELCAL watch, out.

232017Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
20:17Z BOMBARDIER 34 calling TRENTON MILITARY; North of Toronto and requesting radio check;
20:18Z Trenton Military: I read you 4x4; BOMBARDIER 34: Please standby for additional radio;
20:18Z Trenton Military: I read you 4x4; BOMBARDIER 34: Nothing further, out.
20:19Z: BOMBARDIER 34: TRENTON MILITARY another radio check please; Trenton Military: I read you 4x4, out.

232315Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
23:15Z GREENWOOD MILITARY calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check; Trenton Military: I have you 5x5;
23:17Z Greenwood Military: TRENTON MILITARY this is GREENWOOD MILITARY completion of radio check, over.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2023, 2323 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »

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Trenton Military General Log
« Reply #89 on: October 24, 2023, 1450 UTC »
Trenton Military General Log: 2023-10-24

241419Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
14:19Z TRENTON MILITARY test 1 2 3 3 2 1, test out.

241448Z OCT 2023 11232.0 kHz USB
14:48Z OTIS 071 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio check.
14:54Z OTIS 071 calling TRENTON MILITARY for radio and SELCAL check: BSGM

Thank you radegcc for the OTIS C/S ID.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2023, 0310 UTC by ~SIGINT~ »


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