I've been up early some days lately and propagation was particularly good and storm noise low this morning.
I skipped over most of the Chinese broadcast logging's - there are so many of them!
11:15z 3260 khz NBC Sanduan West Vanimo "I love hearing pidgen"
11:19z 3325 khz Radio RI Palangka Raya Palang Karayu
11:22z 3385 khz NBC East New Britain Rabaul "More Pidgin"
11:25z 3480 khz Voice of The People Kyonggi-do
11:29z 3925 khz Radio Nikkei Chiba-Nagura
11:36z 4755.5 khz PMA Cross Radio Pohnpei
11:38z 4835 khz ABC Northern Territory Alice Springs - Blues music - English speaking Op - into Blondie tune
11:41z 4940 khz Voice of Strait Fuzhou - Chinese Language
11:44z 5020 khz Soloman Islands Broadcasting BBC Relay Hoiara
11:47z 5025 khz Rebelde Havana Cuba
11:51z 5925 khz CNR over Voice of Vietnam - Ran into a lot of this....
12:01z 6055 khz Nikkei 1 Nagura
12:06z 6010 khz Radio Bahrain Abu Hayan some English language
12:10z 6015 khz North Korean noise jamming
12:15z 6050 khz PBS Xizang Baiding - Chinese language
12:20z 6055 khz Radio Nikkei Nagara
12:28z 6100 khz China Radio Int Bejing Chinese female speaking Russian Language
12:31z 6140 khz Radio Australia Kranji English language
12:33z 6165 khz All India Radio Delhi Khampur
12:37z 6400 khz Pyongyang Broadcasting Kanggye Korean language
12:40z 6518 khz Korean Noise Jamming possibly over Voice of The People?
12:44z 7225 khz VOA Tinang Korean language
12:46z 7235 khz Radio Ethiopia Addis Abuba Gedja - Somali language - Interesting since I'm drinking Ethiopian Sidamo Coffee this morning.
12:53z 7285 khz Voice of Vietnam Hanoi in French language after 13:00z
13:32z 11680 khz KCBS Pyonyang Kanggye - Korean language
13:34z 11530 khz Voice of Russia Orzu Hindi language
13:38z 15585 khz Voice of Russia Moskva Russian Language
Propagation was deteriorating rapidly through all bands after this time.. but really good morning SWL...