« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2023, 2325 UTC »
Decent S7 signal, sounds best on 6874.9 USB
2322: Belau - Essence
2326: Blue Dream & Andy Compton - Falling in Love
2330: Hall and Oates - Cab Driver
2335: Mix Radio Internal ID into ATB - Where are You
2343: Bellevue - Adieu Tristesse
2345: "Mix Radio, more music less crap" into Club des Belugas - Quicker with the Trigger
2353: Multiple ID promos
2354: Afterlife - Midnight
2359: ID into Coma - Spiracles
0004: ID into Fletch Deezie - 2020
« Last Edit: September 12, 2023, 0005 UTC by Evil Elvis »

Evil Elvis, western Tennessee east of Memphrica
Icom IC-705, IC-7200, IC -7300, IC-7610, IC-9700
WinRadio G33DDC, Perseus22, RFSpace NetSDR, SDR-IQ, SDR-14, Kiwi, 4x Airspy HF+ Discovery, ELAD FDM-S2
Aziloop Df-72, Wellbrook ALA100LN, ALA1530LNP Imperium, Bushcomm BBA-1KD
Old School: No remote SDRs, all my receivers, my tenners.