« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2023, 0013 UTC »
Finally got a decent sig on this one, been following for the the past hour.
0011: Exile and Mark XTC - Take Me Away
0034: sig alot better. Phibes -Started this Fire
0155: Very nice S8-9 AM signal now, Kraftwerk.
0158: Kraftwerk - Neonlicht
0207: ID then Kraftwerk - Transistor
« Last Edit: September 16, 2023, 0209 UTC by Evil Elvis »
Evil Elvis, western Tennessee east of Memphrica
Icom IC-705, IC-7200, IC -7300, IC-7610, IC-9700
WinRadio G33DDC, Perseus22, RFSpace NetSDR, SDR-IQ, SDR-14, Kiwi, 4x Airspy HF+ Discovery, ELAD FDM-S2
Aziloop Df-72, Wellbrook ALA100LN, ALA1530LNP Imperium, Bushcomm BBA-1KD
Old School: No remote SDRs, all my receivers, my tenners.