S9+20 with the K3FEF KiwiSDR. Radar QRM.
2150 UTC-Spotlight by The Aquadolls
2152 UTC-Talking about the radar QRM, moved up 5 kHz
2154 UTC-THE GETUP by James Supercave
2158 UTC-DJ Dickweed speaking about the music
2159 UTC-Intertwined by Vona Vella
2202 UTC-All The Way by The Criticals
2206 UTC-Walk Away by Red Leather
2208 UTC-DJ Dickweed talking about the music
2213 UTC-Chemical Balance by Childe
2209 UTC-Lune by Colouring
2255 UTC-Playing my recording from last Saturday
2315 UTC-DJ Dickweed asking who BigAl thinks the jammer is
22:58 Playback of listener recording of recent on air jamming incident. Sounds a lot like a well known pirate's voice.
Who? We all want to know!