Receiver Used: Highland Falls, New York
Antenna Used: Carolina Windom at 20m height, or Megadipol at 8m height
Listened date: 19 November 2023
Listening time: 22:15 to 23:00 UTC
Frequency: 6950 USB
SINPO: 55544
Details of the Program:
22:18 UTC Song “Same team” (AlphaWhores)
22:24 Song “Easy” (Big Sleep)
22:29 Song “And now the end” (Projector)
22:31 Song “Friday Night lies” (Fuller & instant crush)
22:34 Song “Hear me out” (Monowhales)
22:40 Song “Silver Sun” (Jaws the Shark)
22:43 Song “High Flyer” (Delights)
22:47 Song "What We Wanna" (Miya Folick)
22:50 Song “Sick ride” (Karen Dió)
22:52 Song “Hit me where It hurts” (Lala Lala)
22:57 The Mad stone” (Everything Everything)
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