1158 UTC music
1159 UTC Yl mention closing down for today. Caught the tail of the program
1201 UTC Back on ?? song "Cold change"
1207 UTC song "Just an illusion"
1210 UTC song "Solo shine"
1214 UTC song "Ewa Beiau"
1218 UTC song "Sereka Mai" (no id or talking to this point, station came back on by playing music only).
1221 UTC music Island type song Shazam can't id
1224 UTC noise picking up.
1226 UTC song "Hiding away / someone loves you honey".
1230 UTC song "No pressure" (since station came back on no talking or id's to this point).
1234 UTC song "Ehu girl" (mostly island music).
S 4 to 5 with moderate noise and fading via Marahau, Tasman District, New Zealand web sdr. Best to use noise reduction.
Audio 1:
https://voca.ro/1bUo3BdhkvvEAudio 2: