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Author Topic: 2 new 'sounds' 17540KHZ 0023UTC & 13560KHZ 1645UTC BOTH 08/23/2013  (Read 1832 times)

Offline ka1iic

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17540 KHZ USB AT 08/23/2013 0023 UTC  signal S4 - S7 sewing machine? machine gun or ???... ;-)
BTW the receiver was left on this frequency after the Cuban HM01 broadcast.
sound clip at:


spec output file is here but doesn't tell me much:


Next up

13560.7 khz usb at 08/23/2013 1645 utc signal S9++

sound clip at:


spec pic at:


73 Vince
73 Vince

"If you can't be anything, you can at least be annoying"

Troy, Ohio. 20m Vertical & low long wire E/W, Yaesu FT-187ND, SDRplay 2, Ratt Shack 2 meter rig, and other little bits of electronics I'm not talking about, homebrewed and otherwise... so there bleech!

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Re: 2 new 'sounds' 17540KHZ 0023UTC & 13560KHZ 1645UTC BOTH 08/23/2013
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2013, 1409 UTC »
I have no idea on the 17540 kHz signal.  It has a well defined rep rate and width, but to me it really sounds like RFI of some kind.  Arguing against that is the well defined rep rate I mentioned, it does not fit with typical RFI rates.

As for the 13560.7 kHz signal, keep in mind that that is smack in the middle of the ISM band.  RFID and similar systems create a lot of sounds something like what you have recorded.  There is simply no telling what kind of sounds you will run into on 13560 kHz, but most of them are not intended for human consumption.  Personally, whenever I see a signal I cannot ID on 13560 kHz I just ignore it, I spent far too many hours in the past trying to narrow them down to a source / use ;)

Mojave Desert, California USA

Offline ka1iic

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Re: 2 new 'sounds' 17540KHZ 0023UTC & 13560KHZ 1645UTC BOTH 08/23/2013
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2013, 1248 UTC »
Thanks for the input :-)

As I am in a very very noisy area I try to take these things into consideration but sometimes I have to mention a few because they seem so... errrr strange...

I can say that the first one really set me to thinking... what is this?!?  Just another 'unknown' to toss in the byte bucket <heh>

I went out early Monday and tossed a wire into a nearby tree for an end fed and the noise dropped dramatically...  hope none of the neighbours see it ;-)  You see I found a wasted golf ball on the common lawn, took it into my makeshift workshop, drilled a hole in it for a length of cord and attached a #24 magnet wire to it <hee hee>

Everyone was at work, kids in school (they tend to ask questions) and I gave that golf ball a mighty shot into a tree...  ahaaa! instant end fed long wire...

The ground radials for the verticals are carefully placed in the flowers I have planted around the apartment...  Just about any land lord will say yes to planting flowers right?  Works for me...   

later & thanks again :-)

73 vince
73 Vince

"If you can't be anything, you can at least be annoying"

Troy, Ohio. 20m Vertical & low long wire E/W, Yaesu FT-187ND, SDRplay 2, Ratt Shack 2 meter rig, and other little bits of electronics I'm not talking about, homebrewed and otherwise... so there bleech!


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