0157 UTC Song of unknown genre, fading in and out of the noise. Peaks to S7 with moderate fading and noise. Audio sounds great at peaks! OM singing in Spanish. I have the frequency as 6974.9 AM
0202 UTC OM speaking now but I can't make out what he's saying. Possibly Spanish?
0203 UTC Unid ballad in Spanish-OM singer
0208 UTC Unid ballad in Spanish-OM singer (The refrain sounds like the Frito Bandito commercial! "Cielito Lindo")
0214 UTC OM speaking then possibly YL speaking
0215 UTC Robot 24 SSTV, followed by Unid song (Signal has dropped down to the noise floor)
0223 UTC OM speaking, followed by unid song
0226 UTC Robot 24 SSTV (rough decode here!)
0235 UTC Signal is deep in the noise

0245 UTC Have not heard anything since 0235 UTC post...a trace of the carrier is noted

Thank you for the cool show of Mexican songs ZeE! Here's my recording from 0158-0228 UTC: