I did a little research and this is a full repeater, 131.8 Hz CTCSS tone 131.8 PL frequency 31.1000 MHz. District 8 Fire Operations [Worcester County]. It is patched both to a countywide trunking system and a UHF repeater on 453.7500 MHz, 94.8 Hz PL. The name of the channel is “OPS” or “Worcester Fire Ops”. Fire District 8 ops. So it’s a three-way interconnect, analog low band on 31.1 MHz, analog UHF on 453.750 MHz and digital voice on the trunking system.
It seems like a very hybrid approach, the county uses a mix of UHF analog, digital trunking and lowband as well as high band VHF. Lots and lots of 33 MHz band usage for dispatch, tone outs, paging and simulcasting another radio channel or talkgroup. The 33 MHz band is actually broken down into sub-bands.
33.020 MHz - 33.100 MHz
33.420 MHz - 33.980 MHz
20 kHz spacing (33.02 MHz, 33.04 MHz, 33.06 MHz, 33.08 MHz, 33.10 MHz…up to 33.94 MHz, 33.96 MHz and 33.98 MHz)
are allocated to public safety on a primary basis under Part 90 of the FCC rules. The 33.120 MHz to 33.4 MHz portion is allocated to business radio. 33.420 MHz is assigned to low power simplex operations as well as operational fixed stations (low power, I believe power is limited to 10 watts or maybe 25w).
The 31.100 MHz frequency itself is actually assigned to both public safety land mobile users and business radio service land mobile users under Part 90 FCC rules LMR / PMR regulations 31.1 MHz is shared with Public Safety Radio Pool, along with
30.860 MHz
30.900 MHz
30.940 MHz
30.980 MHz
31.020 MHz
31.060 MHz
31.100 MHz (duh)
31.140 MHz
Plus a handful of higher frequencies, namely 35.020 MHz and the old IMTS 35 MHz / 43 MHz pairs.