0210 End of contemporary dance music, OM talk (indistinct) which seemed to fade in and out. Then sudden - OM "Radio is having technical difficulties. Transmitter is smoking. It won't kill me." Synth YL; (couldn't make out what she said) - still not distinct & repeated several times, 'I Walk the Line' - Alien Sex Fiend, ID sequence X2, 'Thorns (Distant vocals Version)' - Wumpscut Up to 6957.7 at 0226, 'Red Alert' - Epsilon Minus - 0228 to 6957.8, 0232 gave an email address OM then YL, 'Cryout' - Yendri, "This now concludes ..." by OM then YL, email address by both, 'Nsk' - Laibach, 0245 off, carrier drops about 45 sec. later.
S8 signal but unclear here. Some ongoing ute like signal on USB after s/off probably contributed to the somewhat difficult reception here.