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Author Topic: Charity Radio relayer on SW (7684.55 AM) passed away on 22 MAR 2024  (Read 211 times)

Offline Brian

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There may be one last broadcast from Charity Radio soon. Mark, who ran the station, died last Friday following a stroke. He had plans, with me, to put on a new transmitter. We were only discussing this last week. This would have meant that Charity Radio would have more regular presence on the HF band. RIP Mark.

edit by Ray : sad news :(
This post was a reply to the last relay of Charity Radio on SW on 17 MAR 2024,
and Mark passed away suddenly on Friday the 22nd as explained above.
I modify the subject, and will move that topic in a few days I think.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 1601 UTC by Ray Lalleu »


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