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Author Topic: Is there a Mod for a Kenwood TS-530 to Transmit continuous or out of band?  (Read 747 times)

Offline herman

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Does the 530 transmit out of band any at all?
Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium w\PAR EndFedz EF-40
Hallicrafters HT-40
Ohio Valley

Herman The German

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I can’t find anything about a general MARS mod for it, but here’s some info on getting it to do 11 meters https://web.archive.org/web/20110121201043/http://www.n9efj.net/TS830.html
Lucas Bandura
eQSL appreciated! lucasnerite@gmail.com
Songs are identified with Shazam if needed. I usually use KiwiSDR receivers. Reception from my QTH is using a Hermes Lite 2 with a 40 meter band Inverted V at 40 feet.
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Offline RadioMon

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That's the "butcher" way to do it.

At least one radio amateur reverse-engineered the set's PLL/Counter programming and came up with a way to add 27-27.5MHz to the set's Aux band position. Using the programming example as a guide it's also possible to add other ranges. An ongoing effort to make use of the "+0.5" switch is also underway and according to the author should be completed soon. A Net search will give details.

FWIW, this is also applicable to the TS-830 series. When done the set would cover 27-30MHz continuous with a bit of overlap. Perfect for some models of transverter whose IF was 27-29MHz.


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