Very strong signal. 5-5-5 on the west coast at 01:42 UTC after repairing my various antennas that had come loose, and broken wires. Great to have things so strong again! Instrumental music with drumming. At 01:43:30, can hear an electronic sounding voice calling "Radio" and something else, which I'm not able to make out! New one for me as well, so I'd love an eQSL to canswl (at) gmail (dot) com, please! MP3 recorded. Using my Perseus SDR and ALA 100 loop, as well as west and north directed corner fed loops of large diameters ( around 25' vertical and 40 to 50' horizontal), mainly for MW DX, but working well on the pirate bands. All 3 putting in a great signal. 73, Walt in Victoria, BC