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Author Topic: Peru Heard In Alaska!  (Read 922 times)

Offline Paul B. Walker, Jr.

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Peru Heard In Alaska!
« on: August 12, 2024, 1658 UTC »
And no, not the likely Radio Tarma on 4775khz...... Radio Santa Rosa on 1500!

I'll be real honest.. I about s%^t myself!  First ever Central/South American AM heard by me anywhere, ever!

0727UTC Sat Aug 10 .. too ka quick break from SW, tuned over to AM.. I always start at the top of the dial and move left.

Hit 1500 and heard what I thought sounded like spanish where I should be hearing a Vietnamese station that smells like Eggo waffles.

Kept listening and over the span of about 20 minutes, heard copious Radio Santa Rosa mentions... transmitter is off frequency and humming, but pretty clear as day and good signal to boot!

18kw at 6640 miles! TEF6686, DX Engineering Preamp and 15 foot circumference Wellbrook loop!
« Last Edit: August 12, 2024, 1704 UTC by Paul B. Walker, Jr. »
Paul B. Walker, Jr.

Program Director: KSKO 89.5 McGrath, Alaska www.kskopublicradio.com

Afternoon Air Talent: Hits 106 KLMI Laramie, WY 3 to 7pm Mon-Sat www.myhits106.com

Available for voiceover work, use the email listed above!

Offline NQC

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Re: Peru Heard In Alaska!
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2024, 1934 UTC »
Hey Paul.

Fantastic catch !

During my 55 years of AM dxing in MA I have never copied ANY Central or South Americans on the AM bcast band.

There is just too much in the way closer in .

I have logged a number of Caribbeans and Afro / Europeans on AM bcb though.

The closest I got was a “probable “ Brazilian many years ago on a buddy’s 8 ft diameter loop crystal set when I was in Missouri.

It came up for 30 seconds or a minute and then was gone for good.

My home antenna system is now down to a 35 ft indoor square , it’s pretty pathetic on the broadcast band .

Way back in the day I logged Tarma shortwave on my big outdoor sky
hook ( now long gone) and more recently on the HFU SDR.

Apparently we have had some pretty crazy propagation lately.

20 years ago on Dxpedition in Maine I logged 11 shortwave Peruvians in one night !

Even 30 or 40 years ago, Peru was always a tough country to copy , at least here in New England.

FWIW, my wife is from Peru.

Again congratulations on a great catch!

de NQC
« Last Edit: August 13, 2024, 1936 UTC by NQC »
Station main receiver : Bed springs to  blue razor blade detector to 2000 ohm cans to steam  radiator. Grid FN 42

Offline Paul B. Walker, Jr.

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Re: Peru Heard In Alaska!
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2024, 0646 UTC »
Hey Paul.

Fantastic catch !

During my 55 years of AM dxing in MA I have never copied ANY Central or South Americans on the AM bcast band.

There is just too much in the way closer in .

I have logged a number of Caribbeans and Afro / Europeans on AM bcb though.

The closest I got was a “probable “ Brazilian many years ago on a buddy’s 8 ft diameter loop crystal set when I was in Missouri.

It came up for 30 seconds or a minute and then was gone for good.

My home antenna system is now down to a 35 ft indoor square , it’s pretty pathetic on the broadcast band .

Way back in the day I logged Tarma shortwave on my big outdoor sky
hook ( now long gone) and more recently on the HFU SDR.

Apparently we have had some pretty crazy propagation lately.

20 years ago on Dxpedition in Maine I logged 11 shortwave Peruvians in one night !

Even 30 or 40 years ago, Peru was always a tough country to copy , at least here in New England.

FWIW, my wife is from Peru.

Again congratulations on a great catch!

de NQC

@NQC i have heard Tarma on 4775 several times, and a couple real well, despite CODAR sweeping away
Paul B. Walker, Jr.

Program Director: KSKO 89.5 McGrath, Alaska www.kskopublicradio.com

Afternoon Air Talent: Hits 106 KLMI Laramie, WY 3 to 7pm Mon-Sat www.myhits106.com

Available for voiceover work, use the email listed above!


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