1500 UTC Tue 16232 S4-5 U.Twente 231 1 447 170 better record below
1520 18332 S5 U.Twente repeated msg as above
https://voca.ro/14btgorKV5hp 1540 19132 S6 Kiwi PT repeated msg as above
https://voca.ro/1gzlIKC9RD3l - at 9'49" there was a break, then at 9'55" msg was resumed with header 231 1 read until 11'12",
then reading started with group 05161 and not the initial 63497.
I cannot find this sequence in the two messages above. They ended with group 23269,
unfortunately this recording was interrupted by Kiwi at 15'01" due to "lack of activity".
The messages lasted approximately 16 minutes.