Signal absolutely amazing in McGrath, Alaska 250 miles NW of Anchorage, Alaska today.
1750UTC Sun July 14
90s Alternative/rock type with live announcer giving shout outs to various listeners sending in reports. SINPO here is 45344 at tune in, pretty amazing signal considering the location, power and antenna. I’ve heard them before well enough to decode their SSTV but the signal today is even better.
I wanted to send Cupid a Facebook message but had to hop on my atv, to leave the park where my listening post is and head to the library to sit outside and use their WiFi to send Cupid a Facebook message. I explain I don’t have internet on my cellphone out here and would be leaving WiFi in a minute but included my phone number.
At 1814, Cupid called me on the phone, at 1817 UTC he turned his beam towards Alaska while on the phone with me and I saw a bit of a signal increase and a little less fading and then he went live on air with me on the phone.
Cupid got even stronger a little later in the 1900UTC hour .. around 1930UTC SINPO is 55454!! Listened for nearly 2 hours straight.
New reply on 06 AUG 2024 :
I'm sorry to dredge up a several week old thread, but i don't ever hear much SSTV, most pirates don't make it to me.. but I had to share my image from this broadcast