Hey ThaDood and All.
VERY interesting re all of your info.
Back in the Stone Age, I have used:
100 to 200 ft end feds on ground / or very low - for very long xtal set Dx ( ie Caribbean from various MA QTH’s)
low 500 ft dipoles ( for AfroEuro long wave broadcasts) .
2000 ft beverages low or on ground and 500 ft bare copper counterpoise in the ocean for SAQ Sweden on 17 Kc or for LW bcast.
Etc, blah, blah.
And of course, had different types of high mounted/ conventional antennas.
One ( but only ONE !) of my big issues right now is that I have a construction crew still working and nosing around on the property and I can’t/ don’t want to much until they leave.
I HOPED to get them out of here by September, but now they are in a big flap / lawsuit / cash flow issue with the building owner.
Recently, they are showing up much less frequently and are doing less when they ARE here.Lord only knows now when they are out, hopefully before the ground freezes.
I have a very small garden, more or less out of sight between two buildings.It’s very far from the apartment, but pretty much right at my basement shop ( which I MAY lose access to later- we’ll see).Right now it looks like a weapons testing site , they completely trashed everything.
I want to put a bare buried radial along all sides of the garden ,for use as a ( hopefully) “clean “ standalone RF ground ( that is not bonded to the bldg commercial power supply) -OR- , experimentally as an underground antenna.We’ll see, as things go.
I may sink a rod or two there as well to have a second RF point to “return “ the buried wire.
I also have the “potential” for a “put up/ use/ take down” low slung long wire
( 60+ ft ?) running from the garden to the guy wire of a short / telephone only wooden pole.
This is also “ out” of sight in between the buildings.Everything is wood/ brick around here, so maybe not a total disaster , especially at higher angles.I might be able to get 6 or 8 ft up at the feed and 8’or 9’ up at the far end.
I probably wouldn’t put it up TOO often, but if I itch for some crystal set Dx, maybe every now and then.Again, well see.Most of my work would still be from the apartment ( such as it is ).
I am now more conservative and careful about what I do outside, especially OFF of the property.
In years past I have been hassled a few times by the cops and I just don’t need or want that now ( especially in “ these” times) .
Even for radio.
On initial survey, QRM at the garden seems “lower “ . TBA how good or bad if I try a big capture long wire there though.
The interference in the apartment
is “ funny “.On low end of Bcast it can really slam some of my favorite Dx frqs.The upper end is mostly or even totally clean.
It is “ ambient “ in nature, with serious strong hot spots (of course, one of these is exactly at my bedside op position)
In other areas it’s “sort of “ there and if you move further, it’s nearly gone .
It doesn’t seem to have a particular direction of source, but just seems to be nearly “ everywhere “. Nulling is of variable use, depending on just a few feet.
The far window in the bedroom sill isn’t bad,but not exactly were I want the rigs. But you can’t have it all
On HF instead of hash, it is strong , mostly very strong dead carriers with very occasional data blips.This HF garbage is totally different from the Bcast hash QRM.
I can often weave around this ( sort of) since HF is pretty sparse now. There are some annoying appearances though , ie 7040 CW, 10 WWV etc. .Since these are mostly just dead carriers, I can mostly/ “sort of “ pull things out , but somewhat degraded.HF is generally in “ better “ shape than lower Bcast though.
Before the system installation, I used to get 13.8 kV noise. But that would come and go depending on the wetness of the lines, etc.Usually it wasn’t bad and I got PLENTY of weak/ long Bcast Dx -back then.
As I had mentioned, I had lots of antennas on the roof, along with lots of rigs ( IC 735, R-70, R-71a, etc, etc, etc).
I like the 803a and 440 , but obviously no comparison to the old gear.But again, much better than NADA.FWIW, I essentially get zero RF gain action out of either rig.
NOTHING can go out of any windows now for a few reasons.I am on 2nd floor and only concrete sidewalks below.
For my lightning web site I have been using blitzortung for years, but I bounce around to various sites at times.
de NQC