Did it!!!! Ordered the $6.00, 1080p, version of this movie. The other is a 4K, $7.00 version. In my mind, these are overkill, where 480p, would have been just fine. The 1080p version is a 7GB download, and took me about 30min with Starlink to do so. BTW, format is .MOV file, and you purchase that from We Transfer. If, you do buy and download, just be sure that you have the hard drive space and even the processor speeds to view this flick. This little netbook Lenovo that I'm typing on can just barely do that. Oh... I've tried to dump it to a 16GB USB 2.0 thumbdrive, but got a 'File To Large' error. (Really???) Even did a re-format of that drive, to dump anything in it. I had to use a 64GB USB thumbdrive to do a transfer. (So, what's up there?) Have not had time to watch this, yet, but from the 1min opener, it looks good. I, even want to rip the audio. So, some heads-up here. Enjoy...