8/20/09, 6925 USB, approx. 0500-0541 UTC, Scott Joplin Radio, all ragtime piano music. SINPO - 23232, tough copy due to regional t-storms. (N. Central TX)
Hearing ragtime piano since just after 0500z.
0519z: ID, "Scott Joplin Radio"
0523z: ID again, sounded like "Scott Joplin Radio"
0524z: Wolf whistle
0529z: Possible ID, obscured by static crashes and OTHR bursts.
0541z: OM voice (no clear ID audible) and whistle following more ragtime piano.
SINPO - 23232. Just barely audible above increasing regional noise due to local t-storms.
5 minute mp3, tough copy due to static crashes but ID audible at start and end: