8/21/09, 6930 USB, approx. 0352-0418 UTC, Scott Joplin Radio, all ragtime piano music. SINPO - 22232. (N. Central TX)
0352z: Ragtime piano music
0402z: Scott Joplin Radio ID and whistle
0405z: "The Entertainer" (first song I've been able to ID from memory)
0409z: ID and op talking, only partially intelligible due to fades and noise, heard some mention of the FRN.
0410z: Some mention of e-mail address for QSL, but unable to copy entire address.
SINPO - 22232, just above noise level, heavy regional static crashes and usual urban white noise.
0412z: Whistle again, into more ragtime piano.
0418z: ID, unable to clearly make out rest of op's commentary due to increasing local noise.
SINPO - 21231, heavier local RFI blocking out most details of ID and commentary between songs.
Sounds like reprise of
last night's show on 6925.