My KiwiSDR v2 with 148' loop-on-ground: Web-888 SDR with 31' vertical: had them both on the 148' LoG, but I prefer having access to different antennas for my own personal use.
Both are on an AC line conditioner but not an UPS at this time, so YMMV on them staying up tonight considering the tropical weather here.
Also I likely need to tweak the WiFi router bridging my SDRs to my WiFi network, such as perhaps enabling SQM with some rather constrained limits since the SDRs are not really bandwidth intensive devices.
Waterfall access can be configured for exclusive mode. That increases max waterfall zoom levels, but it also limits the full waterfall to just two channels.
The only FPGA mode (for now?) is 13 channels with 12KHz max audio per channel.
Thanks for the positive thoughts, nitroengine. :)
Bands are moving through my coastal county right now. Been listening to the wind, but I still have power (for now?). I am inland somewhat, so at least my neighborhood is spared the storm surge. The immediate coast and islands could very well be underwater. I am hoping people out there evacuated.
Enabled SQM on the bridge router for both WiFi download and upload. Tried streaming channels from both SDRs while running speedtestcppp on the router to load up the network bridge. Seems okay for now.
I *thought' my Web-888 was on my 31' vertical, but it has been on my 30' inverted delta loop. o.0 I noticed a lack of attenuator after my preamp, and that would typically overload many receivers at night using my 31' vertical.
Swapped to the 31' vertical, tweaked attenuation, and the end result is the Web-888 is still favoring the 30' inverted delta for SNR ratings. Anyway.
For awhile I had an active splitter feeding my 148' LoG to my Kiwi and Web-888, but it affected SNR, so that is not going to work. I get the feeling I will be deploying another LoG for the Web-888 at some point.