Near Pensacola, huh? Almost nightly, I can hear their 1620AM up here in SW West Virginia, usually battling with 1620kHz out of Cuba, and my own Part 15 AM1620 station. Anyway... Couple of things that you can try. Got any unused speaker wire, trashed telephone, or CAT 5, cables, or even an extra power extension cord? Ideas, for longer Shortwave antennas to clip to that portable's telescopic whip. Are you close to a beach that you can take that portable to? Just be sure that you have some good distance away from the local AM stations, like that 1620AM. Looking at that portable's range, 4.5MHz - 22MHz, from 4.5MHz to like 10MHz, good for most nighttime listening, while 10MHz to 22MHz, mainly daytime. Albeit, about 10AM to mid-afternoon, EST, you could usually hear 40M AM HAM's from 7285kHz - 7295kHz. (That includes me on some Saturdays and Sundays, when I hear a friend calling CQ-CQ there.) After that time, 40M shortwave broadcasters dominate that portion of the HAM Band, like in the evening. Oh.. Got a close-by tree to string a wire up into for an antenna? Oh... In a pinch, even the Dollar Tree should have cheap runs of speaker wire, and a small-gauge spool of what they call 'hook-up' wire. That would work. Hey, I know what it's like to be super cheap. I still dumpster dive.