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Author Topic: Some FT-243 Crystals for sale  (Read 12493 times)

Offline Andrew Yoder

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Some FT-243 Crystals for sale
« on: August 03, 2014, 2230 UTC »
$5 apiece + $3 shipping. I checked these out on an oscillator to see the frequency and to verify that the crystals work. First is the freq. listed on the case, then the approximate tested frequency (results may vary):

6925 (6925.2)
6925 (6925.7)
6950 (6949.2)
6950 (6949.8 )
6950 (6950.1)
6875 (6874.2)
6875 (6874.8 )
7525 (doubled to 15051.1)
7525 (doubled to 15051.2)

BTW, amateur transmitters will double the frequencies of crystals, but the standard homebrew ones will not
If you're interested, send an e-mail to me.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 0243 UTC by Andrew Yoder »
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