I've been horribly unorganized so far this season. I'm breaking in a new "winter dog walk radio" A Tecsun PL660. I donated my beloved ATS909x to a DX friend who needed a good radio. It was to large for my outdoor DX adventures in cold weather. I need a radio that fits certain needs:
1) small enough to fit in my pocket while I am listening to it.
2) SSB capable
3) easily tuned with one hand (direct entry of frequencies is a must)
4) memories aplenty
As awesome as the ATS909x is, it only actually fit two of these needs, SSB & memories. Here are the English language programs that I am finding the easiest to hear. Keep in mind I am using the radio with no external antenna. Lots of stuff that I can hear at home on the "good" radios & antennas just aren't audible on a barefoot portable.
I am usually out at 4:00 UTC so that is the time for these logs:
Radio Romania 7305 // 6020 khz 7305 is best but it has co-channel BBC Hausa service from 4:30z
Voice of Turkey 9655 //7240 khz weak at the best of times,unlike their summer frequencies which were total inboomers here in central US.
Channel Africa 7230 also pretty weak but occasionally good.
Deutsche Welle 7425 // 9490 //9800 khz the 31 meter freqs are best.
And of course Radio Havana Cuba which is always audible one at least one frequency & is fun to listen to for the screw-ups alone. 6165 khz is best for me.