9955 USA. R. Ciudad Global via Okeechobee, FL. New service on Sats only at s/on 1200. The station is based in Colombia. Full Spanish ID at s/on including this brief English ID as:
"This is Global City Radio, Radio Ciudad Global, the first international station from Colombia. Radio Ciudad Global is an international radio initiative from Colombia. Contact us at Radio Ciudad Global at gmail dot com." Then programming continued in Spanish with Colombian and regional news, produced in Bogotá. Occasional music interludes. Then a documentary program on
"La Guerra de la Radio" (The Radio War) produced by Señal Radio Colombia, complete with excerpts of old radio broadcasts. Fair reception considering that Australia is not really in the line of fire for this broadcast. Final ID and s/off at 1229 on Dec. 14.
Here is the link to the broadcast excerpt as recorded here in Melbourne, AU last night:
http://medxr.blogspot.com.au/2013/12/radio-ciudad-global-new-broadcast.html73, Rob VK3BVW