Received in 43 days a full data eQSL for an email report for reception of the "Tip & Elvis Christmas Show" on December 26, 2013 from 0655-0712 UTC on 6210 KHZ. The QSL is a picture of the transmitting tower and equipment. Broadcast stated as 500 watts! Thank you very much Tip & Elvis!!! I really appreciate this reply!
Update 2/10/14...When I downloaded the eQSL, it was a 5.4 Meg microsoft doc file. In order to convert to a JPEG, I had to do a print screen, then paste in PAINT, crop, save as jpeg. I accidently shifted the verie details on the template so they were covered by the antenna mast! It appears that the QSL is a composite of top, bottom, and verie details. So much for Windows XP...corrected QSL reposted below.