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Author Topic: YHWH - 1/25 update  (Read 34599 times)

Offline Token

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Re: YHWH - 9/25 update
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2014, 1529 UTC »
I have given this some thought myself.  However, I ended up coming to the conclusion that this thread is no more dangerous to the station than are reports to the Loggings section.  A quick search there will find all of this data.  Of course, that then brings up the question of should we be logging pirates at all, or is that a danger to them?  As it is, with YHWH I am logging less than 1 out of 4 times I hear it, and I am not hearing every transmission he makes, for example I seldom listen during the day.  He is also being logged in online SWL lists by other listeners.  I have been on the verge of no longer logging him online him at all several times, and I am about there again.

I am not sure what could be done here to protect YHWH in any way other than maybe to not report him on the forums at all, and even that would probably not help.  If he is not the next SW Pirate to get the knock then it is simply because the FCC does not want to do it at this time.  His habits are almost every possible thing you could do wrong while operating a pirate station.  The other day I heard a couple hams on a local repeater discussing his transmission at the time he was on the air, they obviously where listening to his transmission and knew of him and his habits, and it was not the first time they had heard him.  They had DFed him and had his location fairly tightly defined.  As a side note, these guys did not appear to have an issue with his transmission, other than to comment on his somewhat out there views, it appeared to be more a curiosity than anything else, and when I jumped on the machine to ask questions no one appeared to have any intent to report him.

What does he do wrong for an HF Pirate?  A quick search of the forums or other web site SWL listings, and listening to his programming, will show:

He transmits multiple times per day, almost every day, in programming chunks about one hour each.  Some days I have seen him be on air for up to 6 hours.  2 or more hours per day is almost a given.

He fairly frequently runs back to back programs on the same frequency, meaning he can be on one frequency for sometimes 2 hours or more.

He runs the same frequency, or very close to the same frequency, multiple days in a row, and at approximately the same time every day.  He announces the approximate frequencies and times as part of his program.

He makes a periodic habit of running just inside or just outside a Ham band.

His on-air announced power level is 500 Watts.

He has on-air announced his location with fair detail and accuracy, although he stopped doing that a while back.

Unless he is driving to multiple locations for his multiple times on the air each day then he is transmitting from the same location each time.

I really just don’t see much that can keep him off the FCC radar other than to stop or alter these habits.  With his power level, location relative to 3 different District offices, and repeated use of given frequencies, there is almost no way he has not been noticed, unless they are just too busy to bother, in which case nothing said here matters.  What do ya’ll think?

« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 1547 UTC by Token »
Mojave Desert, California USA

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: YHWH - 9/25 update
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2014, 1718 UTC »
We might want to look at him as a more religious version of the late "Colonel" Steve Anderson than as a typical hit and run pirate. Anderson, and possibly this fellow, saw their prime mission to defy the authorities and provoke a response.

He doesn't strike me to be violence prone, like Col. Steve who committed suicide by cop a decade ago. He seems to be a religiously obsessed fellow with a lot of time on his hands.

Offline Token

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Re: YHWH - 9/25 update
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2014, 1854 UTC »
Yes, this is pretty close to what he is.  I don’t think defying authority has much to do with it, but getting his message out is the only thing that matters.  He does not care about the medium, all he cares about is getting his message out.  That is why I doubt there will ever be any kind of QSL from the station.  Well, that and the fact he has no Net access.

He does not see these reports, all they serve is to notify other listeners that he is on.

As for violence or not, I don’t know.  However I will say that without a doubt his message has gotten more vehement and radical over the last year and a half, particularly the last 4 months.  When he started he simply said things like “homosexuality was a death sentence in Biblical times”, now he says things about death much more pointedly to “you homos in San Francisco”.  And he always said things about there would be no more war in Yahwehs future, now he pointedly condemns “warmongers” and “the evil, ungodly, US military”.  It has all just been a slow creep towards more aggressive speech patterns.

I was not aware Col Steve had been killed, I thought he was sent away to Federal prison.

Mojave Desert, California USA

Offline ChrisSmolinski

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Re: YHWH - 9/27 update
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2014, 2256 UTC »
According to our very own HFU wiki page, he was captured, and sentenced to 15 years in 2003: http://www.hfunderground.com/wiki/Steve_Anderson
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 2258 UTC by ChrisSmolinski »
Chris Smolinski
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Offline Pigmeat

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Re: YHWH - 9/27 update
« Reply #49 on: September 28, 2014, 0302 UTC »
I could have sworn he was shot by Kentucky State Troopers when they finally caught up to him for shooting it out with that deputy.

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Re: YHWH - 9/27 update
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2014, 2338 UTC »
If the FCC busts YHWH,
we may rest assured that they shall burn in Hell for all eternity.

Maybe they'll even catch a nice lightning-bolt or two on their monitoring network.

John Poet

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Re: YHWH - 9/27 update
« Reply #51 on: September 29, 2014, 1417 UTC »

I could have sworn he was shot by Kentucky State Troopers when they finally caught up to him for shooting it out with that deputy.

Offline Pigmeat

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Re: YHWH - 9/27 update
« Reply #52 on: September 30, 2014, 1734 UTC »
It sounds like Cooper was on to us, Al.

He made a grave mistake when he moved into our late Brother Goldwater's bailiwick.

Offline fpeconsultant

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Re: YHWH - 10/31 update
« Reply #53 on: October 31, 2014, 2145 UTC »
10/31 - seems 11595khz is a regular freq
Near Chicago, IL USA.  Drake R8, Ten-Tec RX340, JRC NRD545, Watkins Johnson HF-1000, Wellbrook loop at 28', 43m inverted vee.  Please QSL to fpeconsultant@aol.com thanks.

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Re: YHWH - 11/5 update
« Reply #54 on: November 06, 2014, 0159 UTC »
i saw the following on a yahoo dx group - i removed the source - no offense meant but i knew not how to reach the reporter to ask their permission - i hope no one gets upset

11600 YHWH - 0300 10/25 - Tuned in during YHWH's
 weird sign-off song "Hard Life" to find the creepy sounding theme
 interrupted by a live station operator who told the audience that he
 had "talk-back capability" & encouraged anyone listening to join in
 after he signed off the air. The music continued & finished with the
 usual "Goodbye" & "I love you". Station YHWH now signing off the air"
 & carrier turned off at 0304.
 Some seconds pass & YHWH comes back weaker, still in AM mode &
 says "Hi Doctor Benway, this is Y-H-W-H here." Benway (Undercover
 Radio) replies but there's no copy on his signal here. YHWH replies
 with "Hello to you, what country are you in? What country are you in,
 Doctor?" YHWH then replies with his location & explains the reason
 why his power dropped off is because he's turned off his generator &
 was now operating off from batteries. YHWH continues with "Do you want
 to switch to upper sideband? Do you have upper sideband capability?
 At this point I jumped on a remote receiver to clearly hear both
 sides of this bizarre pirate "QSO". The Edmonton, Alberta remote
 Perseus SDR had a clear copy on both. Both are now in USB mode &
 clearly heard at 0307. The QSO continues with an exchange of loca-
 tions, Benway obviously more cautious to reveal his location than
 YHWH (who seemed to freely give it out without hesitation). Benway
 would only say their distance apart as several thousand miles. YHWH
 almost giddy with excitement exclaims to Benway "How cool is that!"
 followed by a burst of almost psychotic laughter.
 Benway goes on to ask YHWH if it's true that he is "off the grid".
 YHWH confirms this & says that when he shuts his generator off, his
 signal drops by "1db or so". Benway responds with "I just wanted to
 say hello...my style of broadcasting is a little bit different than
 yours." YHWH then asks Benway "What station do you have so that I
 can listen to your program? What are your call letters or whatever?"
 Mellow toned Benway proceeds to explain his station "Undercover
 Radio" & where it can be heard. Fast talking YHWH op responds with
 "Oh yeah. I've got homemade antennas here that I'm running". YHWH
 then explains his antenna made from chain-link fence pipe which is
 suspended in the air from wire. Benway goes on to tell YHWH that
 "I can tell you for a fact that a lot of people are listening night
 after night". YHWH responds to this with "Yeah, it's the same stuff,
 I don't have anything else new, it's just the same stuff".
 Fast paced YHWH then asks Benway how much power he runs & that he
 does "375 watts peak envelope power". YHWH then tells Benway that he
 would like to stay in touch. Because YHWH apparently has no internet
 access, YHWH offers Benway his mailing address over the air with "I
 could give you my mailing address. You want something like that, or
 no?" Benway politely refuses.
 Feeling a mutual connection at this point, the YHWH operator freely
 gives out his first name to Benway. I suspect Benway is trying to
 figure out how to politely exit this bizarre exchange at this point.
 Blue Ocean Radio (another pirate) now breaks in, probably to the relief
 of Benway, with a heavy Canadian accent. YHWH now engages BOR with
 "Blue Ocean Radio, this is Y-H-W-H. Are you out in California too?"
 BOR responds with his general location for which YHWH reponds with "Oh
 Really!" followed by another burst of crazy laughter & "We got a whole
 'nother cult thing going here, don't we!" The QSO wraps up with all
 three operators saying their goodbyes. YHWH finishes with "Y-H-W-H
 clear. I love you man". At no point during the exchange was religion
 ever brought up.
Near Chicago, IL USA.  Drake R8, Ten-Tec RX340, JRC NRD545, Watkins Johnson HF-1000, Wellbrook loop at 28', 43m inverted vee.  Please QSL to fpeconsultant@aol.com thanks.

Offline jFarley

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Re: YHWH - 11/5 update
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2014, 0208 UTC »
Thanks for sharing that, fpe.  It is truly...bizarre.
Joe Farley, Near Chicago
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Offline BoomboxDX

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Re: YHWH - 11/5 update
« Reply #56 on: November 08, 2014, 1929 UTC »
I don't see the harm in posting loggings of YHWH.  I'm sure if the FCC are interested in catching YHWH, they already will have been logging the station anyway.

RE: YHWH's 'aggressive' natured speaking... going by what I've heard, it doesn't seem to be any more aggressive in nature than Brother Stair.

But I haven't heard more than maybe 15 minutes or so of YHWH at a time. Usually when I'm tuning around the shortwaves, I'm tuning around a bit. I have listened to YHWH for 45 minutes or so maybe once or twice, mainly to get the jist of the guy's religious message.
An AM radio Boombox DXer.
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Offline fpeconsultant

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Re: YHWH - 11/28 update
« Reply #57 on: November 28, 2014, 1335 UTC »
new favorite freq(?) 6280?  three shows in a row....
Near Chicago, IL USA.  Drake R8, Ten-Tec RX340, JRC NRD545, Watkins Johnson HF-1000, Wellbrook loop at 28', 43m inverted vee.  Please QSL to fpeconsultant@aol.com thanks.

Offline fpeconsultant

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Re: YHWH - 12/13 update
« Reply #58 on: December 13, 2014, 1431 UTC »
updated 12/13/14
Near Chicago, IL USA.  Drake R8, Ten-Tec RX340, JRC NRD545, Watkins Johnson HF-1000, Wellbrook loop at 28', 43m inverted vee.  Please QSL to fpeconsultant@aol.com thanks.

Offline Token

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Re: YHWH - 11/5 update
« Reply #59 on: December 13, 2014, 1535 UTC »
I don't see the harm in posting loggings of YHWH.  I'm sure if the FCC are interested in catching YHWH, they already will have been logging the station anyway.

RE: YHWH's 'aggressive' natured speaking... going by what I've heard, it doesn't seem to be any more aggressive in nature than Brother Stair.

It is not that YHWH is any more aggressive or vehement than anyone else, and certainly he has the right to express his opinions.  The only issue I rose when speaking about his tone / message is that it has changed over time.  The basic show is still the same, but he has thrown more and more pointed and vehement comments in as time has gone on.  A year and a half ago there was essentially no negative comments regarding anyone except homosexuals, and even that was fairly benign.  Today the message includes admonitions regarding homosexuals, to not vote for any politician, to burn flags, that all military personnel are mass murderers, and that anyone who supports government, in any form, is evil.

As I said, some of his condemnations are rather incongruent with his "I love you" at the end.

« Last Edit: December 13, 2014, 1542 UTC by Token »
Mojave Desert, California USA


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