From the Free Radio Weakly:
NORTH AMERICA. 9610-AM, June 26 at 0545, here`s Station YHWH with
usual rant, about the Sabbath, poor-fair in noise level; off at 0554
recheck. Previously was on 9600, but you never know where he`ll go
next. Frequency accuracy seems very good and almost always picks a
spot clear of interference, which is more than can be said for some
legitimate SW broadcasters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
Appearance of YHWH --- Hi: I just saw the latest report of YHWH in the
Glenn Hauser logs for June 19th. From the frequencies this guy uses, I
suspect this operator (or someone helping him). has a lot of
experience with ham or broadcast gear. He shows up on frequencies
where there is a ready audience and the greatest chance of being
heard. He probably has a field of antennas that are ready-made for the
frequencies he wants to use (ham, international broadcast) and he
knows the correct modulation to use for each of the bands he is using.
He is probably using a modified ham VFO to get his signal where he
wants it. This guy is not your usual pirate broadcaster that plays on
the weekend. I am beginning to wonder if he has financial support to
do all this. At least, he is not sending on the aeronautical or marine
channels where safety is at stake. Let's hope it stays that way (Dan
Ramos, Joshua Tree CA, June 19, swl at qth.het via WORLD OF RADIO
1727, DXLD)
NORTH AMERICA. 9600, R/S YHWH, 0413-0422* 17 June. New program/same
creepy closing song. Heard with a fair signal while checking for
Nikkei 1-9595 (Dan Sheedy, Encinitas, CA G5/4.5m "lean-mean" X wire,
NORTH AMERICA. 9600-AM, June 19 at 0507 in bandscan, there`s the
Station YHWH guy! on yet another new frequency, fair signal, voice,
modulation quality, and content immediately recognizable, fortunately
since chopped off at 0507:45*, and not found thence on any other
frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)