6050 KUWAIT. R. Kuwait. This was a bit of a surprise! Kuwait running the English service on the normally Arabic General Service outlet at 2025 with old pops and disco. Is this something new or old news??!! ID'd at 2040 announcing the English MW, FM and SW 15540 outlets but no mention of 6050 kHz. Announced 15540 kHz as being in the 25mb - oops!! Time check as 11:50pm and into news before s/off anncts and anthem at 2058. Then at 2100 it fired up again with unscheduled Arabic news until 2110 when they suddenly flicked off the switch. Also heard on the normal 15540 outlet but much strong here on 6050 and pleasant listening on Apr 4.
Some other DX logs noted from Mali, Brazil, Nigeria and more. If you are interested, these have been posted at my blog:
http://medxr.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/from-logbook-mali-kuwait-brazil-and-more.html73's everyone. Have a great weekend, Rob VK3BVW